Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Nintendo 3DS)


Infinite Smoke Bombs

At the main menu, select the "Codes" option, then enter one of the following code to activate: Press Up, Left, Down, Right, B(2).

Mega Mutagen attack

At the main menu, select the "Codes" option, then enter one of the following code to activate: Press Up, Down, Left, Right, B, A, Start.

Mega Mutant attack

At the main menu, select the "Codes" option, then enter one of the following code to activate: Press Up, Down, Left, Right, A, B, Start.

Pizza power

At the main menu, select the "Codes" option, then enter one of the following code to activate: Press Left, Down, Right, B(3).

Tiny turtles

At the main menu, select the "Codes" option, then enter one of the following code to activate: Press Right(2), A, B ,A ,Down.