StreetPass Mii Plaza (Nintendo 3DS)

Arcade Mode in Mii Force

After completing the level "Goldie VII 5-3", you will unlock the "Arcade Mode" option on the Title Screen.

Battleground Z Mii Hats

There are two special Mii hats that you can unlock by via Battleground Z. The unlock conditions are as follows.

HatHow to unlock
Super Psymad MaskDefeat Super Psymad and watch the credit sequence.
Zombie HatPurchase Battleground Z and download to Mii Plaza.

Easy PlayCoins

You can gain more than 10 PlayCoins a day by changing the date in the system settings. You can earn 1 PlayCoin by taking 100 steps with the 3DS in sleep mode. 2 PlayCoins can buy either a Wandering Hero (Find Mii) or Puzzle Piece (Puzzle Swap).

Find Mii II

If you collect all the hats in Find Mii, you'll unlock its sequel, Find Mii II.

Find Mii II Hats

Beating a certain level a certain number of times unlocks a new hat for your StreetPass Mii.

HatHow to unlock
Arwing HatBeat Restless Rise - South (Room 5).
Beehive WigBeat Throne Room for the second time.
Boo HatBeat the first room, third playthrough.
Cheeseburger HatBeat Granite Golem - (Room 8, Top Path).
Dark Lord HelmetDefeat the Dark Lord three times, having every room in find mii 2's regular quest cleared.
Donkey Kong HatDefeat Armored Demon - (Castle of Darkness - second to last room).
Epona HatBeat Roaming Mummy and Marauding Mummy - (Castle of Darkness - Courtyard).
Floral HatBeat Forest of Sorrow Exit.
Lacy HeadbandBeat the Dolorous Deepwood - West in the special quest, middle path.
Ninja HoodBeat Diabolic Alter - East (Room 7, Bottom Path).
Panda HatClear the second stage of Find Mii 2's special quest, middle path (Ransacked Ruins - West).
Peach's CrownClear the first room in Find Mii 2's regular quest a second time.
Pirate HatClear the third room along the bottom path of Find Mii 2.
Pizza HatFirst room in the castle of darkness, third playthrough.
Prince's CrownBeat Dark Lord for the first time.
Shyguy MaskBeat the locked room in the regular quest.
SoccerBeat room before the locked room.
Tomato HatBeat the Blood Ghost - (Merciless Mountain - West).
Top HatBeat Bewitching Bog - East (Room 3, Top Path).
Triforce HatClear the fourth room on the second playthrough of Find Mii 2.
Wario HatDefeat the Dark Lord twice.
Warp Pipe HatClear the first room in Find Mii 2's special quest for the first time.
Yoshi HatBeat the first room.

Journal Upgrade

After growing 20 unique flowers and achieving the rank of Master Gardener, your journal will upgraded into a more extensive version that covers every single possible type of flower in the game.


Each Mii collected through StreetPassing becomes a "unit" that can be used in the dungeons. Each attack and progress made will carry over to the next time you enter Find Mii. If you StreetPass with the same person multiple times, that person's Mii will level up and become more powerful. The shirt color of your collected Mii units corresponds to the type of magic they use.

Black Magic: Darkness.
Brown Magic: Summon a "wandering hero".
Green Magic: Next hero will gain extra power.
Orange Magic: New heroes that enter will get a morale boost.
Pink Magic: Heroes are "full of daring" and less likely to be scared.
Red Magic: Burning flames (does extra damage against blue ghosts).
Yellow Magic: Sandstorm (lowers the chance of getting scared) and allows damage against enemies holding a yellow shield.


When you fully complete a Puzzle Swap Panel, you'll unlock a special theme in the Music Player.

Music Player songs

Only songs that are not available at the start are listed below.

SongHow to unlock
003. StreetPass Mii Plaza: Main Theme 2Plaza Population of 20 Miis
004. StreetPass Mii Plaza: Main Theme 3Plaza Population of 50 Miis
005. StreetPass Mii Plaza: Main Theme 4Plaza Population of 100 Miis
006. StreetPass Mii Plaza: Main Theme 5Plaza Population of 300 Miis
007. StreetPass Mii Plaza: Main Theme 6Plaza Population of 500 Miis
008. StreetPass Mii Plaza: Main Theme 7Plaza Population of 1000 Miis
009. StreetPass Mii Plaza: SalesbunnyVisit the add-on description screen
011. Puzzle Swap: Collected PiecesPlay Puzzle Swap at least once
012. Puzzle Swap: Panel CompleteComplete a panel
013. Puzzle Swap: All Panels CompleteComplete all 7 initial panels
021. Find Mii: Fight On, Heroes!Enter the Mirage Tower
022. Find Mii: Dark RoomComplete Find Mii
023. Find Mii: Armored FiendComplete Find Mii
024. Find Mii: Ultimate GhostComplete Find Mii
025. Find Mii: EndingComplete Find Mii
026. Find Mii II: TitleUnlock Find Mii II
027. Find Mii II: Venture Forth 1Unlock Find Mii II
028. Find Mii II: Venture Forth 2Complete Find Mii II
029. Find Mii II: Venture Forth 3Complete Find Mii II
030. Find Mii II: Venture Forth 4Complete Find Mii II Secret Quest
031. Find Mii II: Keep Fighting, Heroes!Unlock Find Mii II
032. Find Mii II: Current ResultsUnlock Find Mii II
033. Find Mii II: Save the World, Heroes!Save the Prince
034. Find Mii II: Armored ArchfiendComplete Find Mii II
035. Find Mii II: Dark LordComplete Find Mii II
036. Find Mii II: EndingComplete Find Mii II
037. Mii Force: TitlePlay Mii Force for the first time
038. Mii Force: Platinum BeachPlay level 1-1 at least once
039. Mii Force: Dunewatch CastlePlay level 1-2 at least once
040. Mii Force: Cerulean TowerPlay level 1-3 at least once
041. Mii Force: Ragnablok ChasmPlay level 2-1 at least once
042. Mii Force: Defend the Core Stones!Play level 2-2 at least once
043. Mii Force: Slitherstone RuinsPlay level 2-3 at least once
044. Mii Force: Parade o' PlunderPlay level 3-1 at least once
045. Mii Force: Bone RattlerPlay level 3-2 at least once
046. Mii Force: Wheels of WoePlay level 3-3 at least once
047. Mii Force: Nautilus NestPlay level 4-1 at least once
048. Mii Force: Prospector's TrenchPlay level 4-3 at least once
049. Mii Force: GB-1 Space DockPlay level 5-1 at least once
050. Mii Force: GB-1 Central CorePlay level 5-2 at least once
051. Mii Force: Goldie VIIPlay level 5-3 at least once
052. Mii Force: Road BlockFight Skull Bone at least once
053. Mii Force: Come Get Me!Fight Bone Jr. at least once
054. Mii Force: Robo-BoneFight Robo-Bone at least once
055. Mii Force: On PatrolPlay Mii Force for the first time
056. Mii Force: Mii Force, Assemble?!Play Mii Force for the first time
057. Mii Force: Reporting for DutyPlay Mii Force for the first time
058. Mii Force: Helpful AdviceLose a life
059. Mii Force: The Galaxy AwaitsPlay Mii Force for the first time
060. Mii Force: Mii Force, Move Out!Play Mii Force for the first time
061. Mii Force: Gold Bone's ThemePlay Mii Force for the first time
062. Mii Force: Aye, Cap'n!Beat level 1-3
063. Mii Force: Pesky FliesFight Robo-Bone at least once
064. Mii Force: A Boss AppearsBeat level 1-1
065. Mii Force: EndingBeat level 5-3
066. Flower Town: TitlePlay Flower Town for the first time
067. Flower Town: FlorafieldPlay Flower Town for the first time
068. Flower Town: Garden ShedPlay Flower Town for the first time
077. Flower Town: Starting GardenVisit the Starting Garden
078. Flower Town: Simple GardenVisit the Simple Garden
079. Flower Town: Brown-Fenced GardenVisit the Brown-Fenced Garden
080. Flower Town: Checkerboard GardenVisit the Checkerboard Garden
081. Flower Town: Patio GardenVisit the Patio Garden
082. Flower Town: Terrace GardenVisit the Terrace Garden
083. Flower Town: Gazebo GardenVisit the Gazebo Garden
084. Flower Town: Greenhouse GardenVisit the Greenhouse Garden
085. Flower Town: Shopping MallVisit the Shopping Mall
086. Flower Town: Flower PowerVisit Flower Power
087. Flower Town: Poppy's SeedsVisit Poppy's Seeds
088. Flower Town: Potter's ParadiseVisit Potter's Paradise
089. Flower Town: Garden GraceVisit Garden Grace
090. Flower Town: Pick-a-PlotVisit Pick-a-Plot
091. Flower Town: Progress ReportFinish greeting your current batch of visitors
093. Flower Town: A Rare Plant BloomsMake a rare breed of flower bloom
094. Flower Town: A New BreedMake a new breed of flower bloom
095. Flower Town: New ColorMake an already registered breed bloom in a new color for the first time
096. Flower Town: A Plant BloomsMake an already registered flower bloom in an already registered colour
097. Flower Town: Master Gardener's CrownBecome a Master Gardener
098. Flower Town: Master GardenerBecome a Master Gardener
099. Flower Town: EndingBecome a Master Gardener
100. Warrior's Way: TitlePlay Warrior's Way for the first time
101. Warrior's Way: A Warlord is BornPlay Warrior's Way for the first time
102. Warrior's Way: One Problem...Play Warrior's Way for the first time
103. Warrior's Way: Time to Take OverPlay Warrior's Way for the first time
104. Warrior's Way: Awaiting Your CommandPlay Warrior's Way for the first time
105. Warrior's Way: Your Turn to ShineFight an enemy country for the first time
109. Warrior's Way: Invasion Theme 4Enter "Conquer the World" mode after conquering 19 countries
110. Warrior's Way: Intimidation TimeFight an enemy country for the first time
111. Warrior's Way: FightFight the Emperor at least once
112. Warrior's Way: The Emperor's ThemeFight the Emperor at least once
113. Warrior's Way: The Emperor's FinaleFight the Emperor at least once
114. Warrior's Way: A Gift from WentworthPlay Warrior's Way for the first time
115. Warrior's Way: Battle BeginsFight a battle for the first time
116. Warrior's Way: FortifiedExpand your castle for the first time
117. Warrior's Way: Congratulations!Acquire at least 1000 soldiers
118. Warrior's Way: Ready for AnythingReceive soldiers from a foreign king for the first time
119. Warrior's Way: VictoryWin a round for the first time
120. Warrior's Way: DefeatLose a round for the first time
121. Warrior's Way: We Stand VictoriousWin a battle for the first time
122. Warrior's Way: We Lie DefeatedLose a battle for the first time
123. Warrior's Way: TacticsWin a battle in "Conquer the World" for the first time
124. Warrior's Way: SurrenderLose a battle in "Conquer the World" for the first time
125. Warrior's Way: Here Come the NinjaBattle country 7 for the first time
126. Warrior's Way: Beware of BerserkersBattle country 9 for the first time
127. Warrior's Way: Sudden SetbackExperience Sudden Setback for the first time
128. Warrior's Way: The Emperor's ArrivalFight the Emperor at least once
129. Warrior's Way: The Emperor Has FallenDefeat the Emperor
130. Warrior's Way: World DominationDefeat the Emperor
131. Warrior's Way: A Beloved MonarchDefeat the Emperor
132. Warrior's Way: EndingDefeat the Emperor
133. Monster Manor: Main Theme 1Start the game
134. Monster Manor: Main Theme 2Play the game at least once
135. Monster Manor: Main Theme 3Defeat the Floor 50 boss
136. Monster Manor: Road to the ManorPlay the game at least once
137. Monster Manor: A Horrifying HandPlay the game at least once
138. Monster Manor: Dangers AboundPlay the game at least once
139. Monster Manor: Help for HireDefeat the Floor 5 boss
140. Monster Manor: Words of WisdomPlay the game at least once
141. Monster Manor: Lost SoulsPlay the game at least once
142. Monster Manor: The Classic FloorsPlay the game at least once
143. Monster Manor: The Wooden FloorsDefeat the Floor 5 boss
144. Monster Manor: The Stone FloorsDefeat the Floor 10 boss
145. Monster Manor: The Stately FloorsDefeat the Floor 15 boss
146. Monster Manor: The Ominous FloorsDefeat the Floor 25 boss
147. Monster Manor: What's This...?Start the game
148. Monster Manor: Treasure!Start the game
149. Monster Manor: Newfound StrengthStart the game
150. Monster Manor: Trusty CompanionDefeat the Floor 5 boss
151. Monster Manor: Max Level Up!Defeat the Floor 10 boss
152. Monster Manor: Setting a Piece 1Start a Puzzle Box puzzle
153. Monster Manor: Setting a Piece 2Start a Puzzle Box puzzle
154. Monster Manor: Puzzle BoxStart a Puzzle Box puzzle
155. Monster Manor: Puzzle Box SolvedSolve a Puzzle Box puzzle
156. Monster Manor: Floor ClearedComplete Floor 1
157. Monster Manor: Floor CompleteComplete Floor 30
158. Monster Manor: Progress ReportView the report after playing the game once
159. Monster Manor: Spectral SparringFight a normal battle for the first time
160. Monster Manor: Boss BattleFight the Floor 5 boss
161. Monster Manor: The Final BattleFight the Daemon King on Floor 30
162. Monster Manor: VictoryWin a battle for the first time
163. Monster Manor: DefeatLose a battle for the first time
164. Monster Manor: Ending: A Close CallDefeat the Floor 30 boss
165. Monster Manor: Ending: A New DawnDefeat the Floor 50 boss
166. Monster Manor: CreditsDefeat the Floor 50 boss

Personal greeting

StreetPass with the same person multiple times.

Plaza Tickets For Flower Town

By completing certain objectives in Flower Town, you'll unlock Plaza Ticks that can be used to buy hats for your Mii avatar.

TicketHow to unlock
Plaza Ticket #01Learn the basics of gardening.
Plaza Ticket #02Bea asked to help out by taking jobs at Flower Power.
Plaza Ticket #03Welcome 500 guests.
Plaza Ticket #04Take a photo.
Plaza Ticket #06Enter tenth plant into the journal.
Plaza Ticket #07Enter the fifteenth plant into the journal.
Plaza Ticket #12Complete the job "Crowning Achievement."
Plaza Ticket #13Complete the job "Welcome Home."
Plaza Ticket #14Complete the job "Happy Recovery."
Plaza Ticket #15Complete the job "Cultivate a Cure."
Plaza Ticket #16Complete the job "Spicy Specimen."
Plaza Ticket #17Complete the job "Sweet Success."
Plaza Ticket #18Complete the job "Bushido Beauty."
Plaza Ticket #19Complete the job "The Dude's Wish."
Plaza Ticket #20Buy a garden expansion.
Plaza Ticket #21Buy your fourth garden expansion.
Plaza Ticket #22Buy your seventh garden expansion.

Puzzle Swap

You must complete two separate puzzles by collecting pieces that other people have found in during StreetPassing adventures. You can get a puzzle piece from another Mii's puzzles to complete your own.

Various Accomplishments

By performing certain actions with StreetPass and Find Mii, you'll unlock various titles.

AccomplishmentHow to unlock
Accomplishment 01Get a StreetPass tag with a Special Mii (gold pants).
Accomplishment 02Get 10 StreetPass tags with Special Miis (gold pants).
Accomplishment 03Meet five male Mii characters in a row in one trip to the plaza gate.
Accomplishment 04Meet five female Mii characters in a row in one trip to the plaza gate.
Accomplishment 05Meet the same Mii 10 times.
Accomplishment 06Collect 100 StreetPass tags in one day.
Accomplishment 07Meet Mii characters via StreetPass five days in a row.
Accomplishment 08Meet Mii characters via StreetPass 10 days in a row.
Accomplishment 09Get a StreetPass tag after a week of no tags.
Accomplishment 11Meet a Mii on his or her birthday.
Accomplishment 12Get a "fantastic" rating.
Accomplishment 13Get 10 "fantastic" ratings.
Accomplishment 14Get 50 "fantastic" ratings.
Accomplishment 16Get 1,000 "fantastic" ratings.
Accomplishment 17Meet Mii characters from a total of two different regions.
Accomplishment 18Meet Mii characters from a total of three different regions.
Accomplishment 19Meet Mii characters from a total of five different regions.
Accomplishment 20Meet Mii characters from a total of 10 different regions.
Accomplishment 21Meet Mii characters from a total of 20 different regions.
Accomplishment 22Meet Mii characters from a total of 30 different regions.
Accomplishment 23Meet Mii characters from a total of 50 different regions.
Accomplishment 24Meet Mii characters from every region in your country.
Accomplishment 25Meet Mii characters from a total of two different countries.
Accomplishment 26Meet Mii characters from a total of three different countries.
Accomplishment 27Meet Mii characters from a total of five different countries.
Accomplishment 28Meet Mii characters from a total of 10 different countries.
Accomplishment 29Meet three in a row, all in one go, who used the same software last.
Accomplishment 30Receive a personal greeting.
Accomplishment 31Get one StreetPass tag.
Accomplishment 32Get 10 StreetPass tags.
Accomplishment 33Get 50 StreetPass tags.
Accomplishment 34Get 100 StreetPass tags.
Accomplishment 35Get 500 StreetPass tags.
Accomplishment 36Get 777 StreetPass tags.
Accomplishment 37Get 1,000 StreetPass tags.
Accomplishment 38Get 2,000 StreetPass tags.
Accomplishment 39Get 3,000 StreetPass tags.
Accomplishment 40Get 4,000 StreetPass tags.
Accomplishment 41Get 5,000 StreetPass tags.
Accomplishment 42Get 6,000 StreetPass tags.
Accomplishment 43Get 7,000 StreetPass tags.
Accomplishment 44Get 8,000 StreetPass tags.
Accomplishment 45Get 9,000 StreetPass tags.
Accomplishment 46Get 9,999 StreetPass tags.
Accomplishment 47Get 10,000 StreetPass tags.
Accomplishment 48Get 20,000 StreetPass tags.
Accomplishment 49Get 30,000 StreetPass tags.
Accomplishment 50Get 40,000 StreetPass tags.
Accomplishment 51Get 50,000 StreetPass tags.
Accomplishment 52Get 60,000 StreetPass tags.
Accomplishment 53Get 70,000 StreetPass tags.
Accomplishment 54Get 80,000 StreetPass tags.
Accomplishment 55Get 90,000 StreetPass tags.
Accomplishment 56Get 100,000 StreetPass tags.
Accomplishment 57Get 200,000 StreetPass tags.
Accomplishment 58Get 300,000 StreetPass tags.
Accomplishment 59Get 400,000 StreetPass tags.
Accomplishment 60Get 500,000 StreetPass tags.
Accomplishment 61Get 600,000 StreetPass tags.
Accomplishment 62Get 700,000 StreetPass tags.
Accomplishment 63Get 800,000 StreetPass tags.
Accomplishment 64Get 900,000 StreetPass tags.
Accomplishment 65Get 999,999 StreetPass tags.
Accomplishment 66Reach a plaza population of 10.
Accomplishment 67Reach a plaza population of 50.
Accomplishment 68Reach a plaza population of 100.
Accomplishment 69Reach a plaza population of 500.
Accomplishment 70Reach a plaza population of 1,000.
Accomplishment 71Reach a plaza population of 2,000.
Accomplishment 72Reach a plaza population of 3,000.
Accomplishment 73Get three duplicate Puzzle Swap pieces in a row with Play Coins.
Accomplishment 74Complete a Puzzle Swap panel.
Accomplishment 75Complete five Puzzle Swap panels.
Accomplishment 76Complete seven Puzzle Swap panels.
Accomplishment 77Complete 10 Puzzle Swap panels.
Accomplishment 78Make it through a room in Find Mii/StreetPass Quest.
Accomplishment 79Miss with a sword attack three times in a row in Find Mii/StreetPass Quest.
Accomplishment 80Deal over 50 damage in a single turn in Find Mii/StreetPass Quest.
Accomplishment 81Break through a yellow shield in Find Mii/StreetPass Quest.
Accomplishment 82Break through a light-blue shield in Find Mii/StreetPass Quest.
Accomplishment 83Make it through a dark room in Find Mii/StreetPass Quest.
Accomplishment 84Complete Find Mii/StreetPass Quest.
Accomplishment 85Complete Find Mii/StreetPass Quest twice.
Accomplishment 86Complete Find Mii/StreetPass Quest five times.
Accomplishment 87Complete Find Mii/StreetPass Quest 10 times.
Accomplishment 88Complete Find Mii with 30 or fewer Mii characters.
Accomplishment 89Make it through a dazzling room in Find Mii II/StreetPass Quest II.
Accomplishment 90Make it through a fiery room in Find Mii II/StreetPass Quest II.
Accomplishment 91Make it through an icy room in Find Mii II/StreetPass Quest II.
Accomplishment 92Make it through a poisonous room in Find Mii II/StreetPass Quest II.
Accomplishment 93Break through a shadowlight shield in Find Mii II/StreetPass Quest II.
Accomplishment 94Complete Find Mii II/StreetPass Quest II.
Accomplishment 95Complete Find Mii II/StreetPass Quest II's secret quest.
Accomplishment 96Complete Find Mii II/StreetPass Quest II's secret quest twice.
Accomplishment 97Complete Find Mii II/StreetPass Quest II's secret quest five times.
Accomplishment 98Complete Find Mii II/StreetPass Quest II's secret quest 10 times.