Bit.Trip Saga (Nintendo 3DS)

Various Steam Achievements

AchievementHow to unlock
Bit.tripperRegister a high score on the leaderboards.
Bonus.getComplete a bonus challenge.
Burger.mouthBurger mouth.
Deja.vuRepel 100 Beats.
EndureComplete a level in one sitting.
Flawless.impetusGet a PERFECT score in all Impetus Challenges.
Flawless.tenacityGet a PERFECT score in all Tenacity Challenges.
Flawless.triumphGet a PERFECT score in all Triumph Challenges.
Heart.of.goldCollect 1,000 gold bars.
Impetus.completeComplete impetus.
Longest.journeyComplete odyssey.
Master.runnerGet a PERFECT in all challenges.
MisstepGet the Game Over.
Perfect.pieceGet a PERFECT on one challenge.
Rainbow.powerGet commandervideo's cape.
Runner.upJump 1,000 times.
Running.hardBeat all challenges on Hard difficulty.
Tenacity.completeComplete tenacity.
Throw.downComplete the gauntlet.
TimbletauntWatch the hidden cutscene.
Triumph.completeComplete triumph.