River City Ransom (NES)


Change Character Names

On the character select screen, press Select on the controller to go to a screen where you can change Alex and Ryan's names to whatever you want.

Kunio and Riki's Hidden Portraits (USA Version)

Start the game in Normal mode and enter the Status screen. Once in the status screen, hold Left on Controller 2 and press Right + Select on Controller 1. If done right, you'll arrive at a screen with a portrait for Kunio and Riki while the Double Dragon theme plays in the background.

Merlin's Mystery Shop

To find Merlin's Mystery Shop go to the Armstrong Thru-Way. Once inside press up at the top wall and the wall will open. Inside you can buy the best items in the game.


Final Boss, w/ Max Stats, Dragon Feet, Stone Hands, Grand Slam, and Texas BootsXfMdZTHwiR3 jaj6jfRUDEt tilm2tWRo8b
Final Boss, w/ Max Stats, Stone Hands, Dragon Feet, Acro Circus, Grand Slam, 4 Karma Jolts, and $999.99 cashXfMdZTHUPR3 rztzPeQUCTt 61lxhtWRoZb
Ivan Beaten, High School Opent1izvpdOZnZ JxNkJp7Cpub XMPQgXErSMF
Power Upw412ysgtMqc MUSjKm2PqtE UJMNdUTGOQC
Start w/ all abilities and 500$ in cashjrYplfTgbdj nOorLTIYXwR SjTuqpilUHP
Strange Item in Inventory that gives stat increases.fHUFBbvcnpa MS8iPpICZJP VKNOeVRQPDD