Lord Of The Rings: The Return Of The King (Macintosh)


Andy Serkis interview

Successfully complete the game.

Billy Boyd interview

Successfully complete the game.

David Menham interview

Successfully complete the game.

Dom Monaghan interview

Successfully complete the game.

Hidden trailer

Allow the game to idle at the main menu. After a few minutes, a new trailer for the game will play.

Palantir of Saruman level

Successfully complete the game by finishing the Crack Of Doom level.

Palantir of Sauron level

Successfully complete the game by finishing the Crack Of Doom level with a Gandalf, Sam, and either Gimili, Legolas, or Aragorn at level 10.

Play as Faramir

Successfully complete the game.

Play as Merry

Successfully complete the game.

Play as Pippen

Successfully complete the game.