And Yet It Moves (Macintosh)

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
AddictedPlay "And Yet It Moves" for at least 3:30 hours without quitting the game.
All boniComplete all the bonus levels.
Around The WorldDo a 360 degree ride on a swing.
Bat-WetterCool down a sweating bat with a drop of water in The Great Escape.
CaseySurvive surfing the coconut-throwing monkey.
Cave DwellerComplete Chapter One.
CheaterBeat the Spin Cycle level with all the cheats active.
CrazyEarn all the gold stamps and complete all the achievements!
Demolition ManBreak out all the stones in Break Them All.
FrozenComplete any level by only turning the world (no walking/jumping)
GiftPlay the Credits to the end and receive your present.
GregorEarn stamps on five different levels in the Limited Rotations mode.
GuruComplete Chapter Three.
KamikazeFall through a whole level from the first check point to the level end point (and rip there).
MC Colin RayEarn stamps on five different levels in the Time Trial mode.
Monster DropDrop the monster out of the world in Horny Pet.
PerfectionistEarn a stamp in each level on every mode.
RandomWell... Be lucky!
RIPDie all possible deaths without quitting the game.
Robinson CrusoeEarn stamps on five different levels in the Survival mode.
Shown WhiteRide on a severed branch in Chapter Two for about 20 meters without touching the ground.
StuntmanSurvive a very dangerous fall by landing on a steep slope.
Suicidal TendenciesGet over a total death count of 1000 rips.
SurferSurf on a moving object for about 25 meters without touching the ground and land it safely.
Tabula RasaFinish Tabula Rasa completely without dying.
TarzanComplete Chapter Two.
Time Challenge Chapter OneBeat the Chapter One Marathon in less than 5 minutes.
Time Challenge Chapter ThreeBeat the Chapter Three Marathon in less than 25 minutes.
Time Challenge Chapter TwoBeat the Chapter Two Marathon in less than 20 minutes.
ZookeeperFeed the monkey with a fresh and undamaged banana.