Achievement | How to unlock
Chatty Cathy | Have a long and meaningful conversation with your monkey.
Cook of the Day | Keep your pet fed for a whole day.
Cook of the Month | Keep your pet fed for a whole month.
Cook of the Week | Keep your pet fed for a whole week.
Fart Machine | Get your monkey to really rip one.
Fun Day | Keep your pet happy for a full day.
Fun Month | Keep your pet happy for a full month.
Fun Week | Keep your pet happy for a full week.
Monkey Funeral | If your monkey should ever pass away...
One Day Annivers... | Keep your monkey alive for a day.
One Month Annive... | Keep your monkey alive for a month.
One Week Annive... | Keep your monkey alive for a week.
One Year Annive... | Keep your monkey alive for a year.
Overstuffed Toy | Get your monkey to over-eat.
Sadist | Get your monkey really mad.
Satisfaction | Make sure your monkey is happy and well-fed.
Serial Killer | Ok, the first time was an accident, but....
Unbalanced Diet | Get your monkey to eat something other than bananas.