Tiki Lavalanche (iPhone iPod)


Game Center Achievements

Complete the following tasks to unlock Apple Game Center achievements.

AchievementHow to unlock
Block AnnihilatorAnnihilate 5,000 blocks.
Block CruncherDestroy 500 blocks.
Block DestroyerDestroy 1,500 blocks to earn this.
Game FinishedFinish all levels in the game.
Game MasteredMaster all levels in the game.
Hit the Lava bottomLose 500 times.
Lavalanche ChampionWin 200 times.
Lavalanche ConquererWin 500 times.
Lavalanche VictorWin 75 times.
Pack 1 BeatenFinish all levels in pack 1.
Pack 1 MasteredMaster all levels in pack 1.
Pack 2 BeatenFinish all levels in pack 2.
Pack 2 MasteredMaster all levels in pack 2.
Pack 3 BeatenFinish all levels in pack 3.
Pack 3 MasteredMaster all levels in pack 3.
Pack 4 BeatenFinish all levels in pack 4.
Pack 4 MasteredMaster all levels in pack 4.
Pack 5 BeatenFinish all levels in pack 5.
Pack 5 MasteredMaster all levels in pack 5.
Pack 6 BeatenFinish all levels in pack 6.
Pack 6 MasteredMaster all levels in pack 6.
Pack 7 BeatenFinish all levels in pack 7.
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Swim in the LavaLose 200 times.
Tripped into LavaLose 75 times.