Temple Run: Brave (iPhone iPod)


Various Achievements

AchievementHow to unlock
5K runnerRun 5000 meters.
Allergic to Gold1000m collecting no coins.
AtheleteRun 2500 meters.
Fort KnoxCollect 5,000 coins.
Lump SumCollect 500 coins.
Money BinCollect 2500 coins.
Novice RunnerRun 500 meters.
Pocket ChangeCollect 100 coins.
Spare CoinsFully upgrade Mega Coin.
Steady FeetRun 2500m without tripping.

Various Gameplay Tips

Tip 1: Grabbing a boost power-up just before a target practise section isn't the best of ideas.

Tip 2: There are power-ups in the store that let you boost yourself further into the level consequence free.

Tip 3 : Don't be too expansive with your gestures, a simple finger flick is enough most of the time.