Achievement | How to unlock
And We're Off! | Complete the first level.
Behemoth Basher | Defeat the World 3 boss.
Dragon Destroyer | Defeat the World 4 boss.
Flame On! | Solve the 4 torches puzzle on Level 2-1.
Immortal! | You got 100 lives!
Meow! | You got 9 lives!
Mud Wrestling | Bopped a Piggy Bank.
My Hero! | Defeat the World 5 boss.
Serpent Slayer | Defeat the World 1 boss.
Special Star Stuff | Find all Stars in the Special World.
Sprinter | Sprint for 20 seconds.
Star Stuff 1 | Find all Stars in World 1.
Star Stuff 2 | Find all Stars in World 2.
Star Stuff 3 | Find all Stars in World 3.
Star Stuff 4 | Find all Stars in World 4.
Star Stuff 5 | Find all Stars in World 5.
Wyrm Wringer | Defeat the World 2 boss.