Scribblenauts Remix (iPhone iPod)

Destroy Everything

Type in 'Nuke' or 'Meteor' and drop the object in. When you do this the map will explode, destroying everything.

Forbidden Fruit Achievement

This Achievement becomes unlocked when you type in 'Maxwell' and tap him. Click 'Remove' and take his notebook.

Fun things with manure!

If you type in manure and tap it on a person (any) they will become fertile and motherly and will produce smaller versions of them. If you tap manure on a plant, it will become larger. When you have little versions of a person, when you pick one up, all of the little people will start attacking you.

Make the Medusa Turn Herself into Stone

Just like in Greek mythology this is done by creating a mirror and putting a Medusa in front of it so she sees her own reflection.

Maxwell's Notebook

Not sure how to solve the puzzle? Let someone else try it! Simply type in "maxwells notebook" and you have an item spawning notebook to give to another character! Granted, they often don't know what they are doing and they go mad with power, creating all sorts of random objects, and often getting themselves killed. Try playing Death Note in Sandbox by letting a spawned in character go wild.

Mini People

If you search in the search box "fertile woman" you get just a random woman! But if she touches you, she becomes pregnant! Try putting "fertile man" and make him touch her! Then, little tiny versions of that lady pop up.

Mini people/animal cheat

1. First type in any living thing and give it a partner (e.g animal, monster,person)
2. Type in manure and use it on both of the characters that you have typed in
3. In a few seconds, you will find a mini version of your characters!

Piano Kitty

Ever wanted to see a cat? Playing a piano? Then type in the search box "piano cat", then what will pop up would be a cat with a shirt playing a piano! Voila!

Silly and Funny Terms

Some silly terms you can use.

CERBERUS3-headed hound
CHIMERAa lion/snake/hawk/ram animal
DO NOT WANTA dog and food appear and the dog eats the food before disappearing
FERTILE WOMANWhen she touches you, she becomes pregnant
FREEZE RAYfreezes people
GAFA round ball that you can ride
GORGON/GORGON HEADif killed, you get her head and can petrify people
GROWTH RAYmakes someone one size bigger every hit
HYDRA3-headed dragon
KILLERHe tries to kill you
LOLWUTBig head mode
NINJA CATA cat from YouTube
OM NOM NOM NOMA robot mouth that you can use as a platform or something
PIANO CATA cat playing the piano
POPOPolice officer
POST TWO ONE SEVENNuke that destroys EVERYTHING when you activate it
SHRINK RAYTitle says all
SHRINK RAYmakes someone one size smaller every hit
SPAGHETTI CATA cat eating spaghetti
TITA little Chicken
UR MOMA zombie
ZANBATOYou get an incredible sword
ALIENbecomes a martian
ARMLESS/LEGLESSthose body parts disappear
DECAPITATEDpersons head disappears
GHOSTLYis now like a ghost
HOLY/UNHOLYbecomes an angel or demon
MUTANTbecomes a mutant
PIRATICGets a pirate hat and sword
VAMPIRICbecomes a vampire
ZOMBIEbecomes undead

Various Gameplay Tips

You can destroy the game world by typing in nuke or meteor and placing the object.

If you get stuck on a level, type in maxwells notebook and an item will spawn that you can give to any character, who then creates various objects to try and win the level. This usually fails miserably and chaos ensues; however, it is a fun experience.

Typing gaf will create a ridable ball.

Fertile woman will spawn a female character who becomes pregnant when you touch her.

If you have a death wish, you can type in killer and a person will appear who will try to kill you.

Ur mom creates a zombie (which doesn’t make that much sense, but OK).

Lol wut creates a big head mode.

For those times when you need a great sword just type zanbato.

If 3 is your lucky number, typing hydra will create a 3-headed dragon, while typing cerberus will create that 3-headed guardian of Hell’s gates.

Typing bat gives you wings, so you can fly away from your problems.

Of course, why have wings like a bat when you can bite like one just by typing vampiric. It will turn you into a real vampire (and not like the one in Twilight franchise).

Decapitated will get rid of your head for you.

Invisibility cloak will offer you maximum protection, while the invisibility cloak wil hide you from the curious eyes of other characters.

If you feel like a mother (or a father) of dragons, just type in chi and see what happens.

Black hole destroys everything - spectacularly!

Time machine lets you travel through space? Hm… no, maybe time?

Arcade lets you play a mini game inside this game in case one game is not enough for you.

Deadly makes your item super effective against living things.

If you type hypnotizing, all creatures will follow your item blindly.

Get "It’s Alive" achievement by creating an inanimate object and describing it like a living person (happy, sad, smart, dumb...)