Rat On A Snowboard (iPhone iPod)


Various Achievements

AchievementHow to unlock
All-star RatScore combos by grabbing stars.
Completed 10Complete 10 challanges.
Completed 30Complete 30 challenges.
Donut EaterEat donuts.
Donut MuncherEat more donuts.
Donut Super Fan!Eat more donuts.
Facebook ButtonFind this button in the game.
Gift SnatcherTilt gifts off of toboggans.
Gift ThiefTilt gifts off of toboggans.
Icicle BreakerBreak more icicles.
Icicle DestroyerBreak more icicles.
Icicle TilterBreak icicles.
Meatball BoomLet those meatballs explode.
Meatball MayhemLet more meatballs explode.
Three-starred 15Get three stars in 15 challenges.
Three-starred 30Get three stars in 30 challenges.
Three-starred 50Get three stars in 50 challenges.