Achievement | How to unlock
All-star Rat | Score combos by grabbing stars.
Completed 10 | Complete 10 challanges.
Completed 30 | Complete 30 challenges.
Donut Eater | Eat donuts.
Donut Muncher | Eat more donuts.
Donut Super Fan! | Eat more donuts.
Facebook Button | Find this button in the game.
Gift Snatcher | Tilt gifts off of toboggans.
Gift Thief | Tilt gifts off of toboggans.
Icicle Breaker | Break more icicles.
Icicle Destroyer | Break more icicles.
Icicle Tilter | Break icicles.
Meatball Boom | Let those meatballs explode.
Meatball Mayhem | Let more meatballs explode.
Three-starred 15 | Get three stars in 15 challenges.
Three-starred 30 | Get three stars in 30 challenges.
Three-starred 50 | Get three stars in 50 challenges.