Rage of the Gladiator (iPhone iPod)


Various Achievements

AchievementHow to unlock
Absolute DominationPerform comboes 100 times.
Aggression ApprenticeInvest 15 skill points in offense.
Alien SushiDefeat Ixthid.
Bad TimingHave your attacks get blocked 100 times.
Bully StomperDefeat Horlan the Crusher.
Can't Always WinLose 10 battles.
DeterminationStand up 100 times after being knocked down.
Elder CorpseDefeat Master Yee.
Face SmasherSmash your opponent with a weapon 5,000 times.
First BloodHit an opponent for the first time.
Flawless VictoryDefeat Creatos.
Gladiator's EdgeGet a two-star rank five times.
Gladiator's ExperienceGet a three-star rank five times.
Gladiator's PerfectionGet the perfect star rank five times.
Go to the DevilDefeat the Archdevil Malzor.
Guts WreckerKick your opponent 5,000 times.
Heavy DrinkerDrink 100 potions.
Jumping JacksJump over 100 enemy attacks.
Master of AggressionUnlock the Meteor skill.
Master of PassivityUnlock the Crystalline Prison skill.
Master of WizardryUnlock the Rage of the Colossus skill.
Ninja GonerDefeat Nagano.
Not Novice Any MoreFinish the Novice difficulty.
Not So CharmingDefeat Amit the Charmer.
Not So Fast!Dodge 1,000 enemy attacks.
Orc DestroyerDefeat Tagon.
Passivity ApprenticeInvest 15 skill points in defense.
Professional Dog TrainerDefeat Gargadan.
RelentlessFight an opponent for 15 minutes in a single fight.
Sucker PunchCounterattack successfully 1,000 times.
The Rich Get RicherEarn 25,000 gold coins total.
The Winner IsWin 50 battles.
True GladiatorPlay the game for 24 cumulative hours.
True WarriorFinish the Warrior difficulty.
Try Harder!Block 1,000 enemy attacks.
Unstoppable RAGE!Finish the Gladiator difficulty.
Vensor DispenserDefeat Lord Vensor the 3rd.
What... Just... Happened?Get stunned for the first time.
Winning StreakWin five consecutive battles.
With the FishDefeat the Sea Witch.
With the Speed of LightGet knocked down in 5 seconds.
Wizardry ApprenticeInvest 15 skill points in magic.

Various Gameplay Hints

While dodging should be your most frequent evasive manoeuvre, some attacks can only be blocked with the shield.
Use your special attack after starting off a counter combo to maximise your hits.
Look at your opponent's energy bar before using the special - if they're about to lose the round, hold off.