Pix'n Love Rush (iPhone iPod)


Game Center achievements

Complete the following tasks to unlock Apple Game Center achievements.

AchievementHow to unlock
Absolute ZeroFinish a timed game with less than 10000 points.
Afternoon DelightWin a game in the afternoon.
Angel HunterKill 5 angels in a single level.
Crack ShotNo misfired shots throughout a timed game.
Demon SlayerKill every single Evil Bat in a timed game.
Eye of the TigerLay your eyes on each and every visual style the game features.
Gran' FinaleFinish a timed game at maximum Combo level.
Heart of GoldTake 100 "+" and nothing else in a row.
Interactive PixelsThank you for supporting Interactive Pixels!
KamikazeShoot yourself 5 times in a single level.
Loose canonShoot more than 2000 shots in a timed game.
LoserStart over during the first level! Loser!
Lucky YouYou are soooooo lucky my friend... and you don't even know why!
MannersYou have cursed enough to earn this achievement.
Mega-chievementGet all revealed achievements.
Moonlight ShadowWin a game after midnight.
Morning GloryWin a game before noon.
Share the Love!Have 5 different names in your Local High Scores Board.
SuperPlayScore more than 2500000 points. Good luck.
The Cake Really Exists......and it's pixilicious...
Ultra-chievementGet all revealed achievements... and all the hidden ones... Muhahahaha...