No Zombies Allowed (iPhone iPod)

Killing zombies

To earn achievements that require a certain number of zombies to be killed in battle faster, the Supply Depots are needed. You will get the first of them after the first three buildings. The Supply Depot is the building with the truck parked in front of it.

Personality matches

To earn achievements that require personality matches, watch your businesses. You will need survivors with a matching skill to that business.

Reaching Survivor

Expand your town to the left by buying buildings until you reach the trapped survivor and are able to rescue him. When you touch the portal you will receive a reward.


The following weapons are available.

Assault rifleUnlocks after sixty runs, clip holds five rounds, recommended for easy, medium and hard runs, and any Boss difficulty.
ChainsawUnlocks after eighty runs, recommended for easy, medium, and hard runs, and easy and medium Bosses.
Grenade launcherCosts 120 dollars.
MinigunUnlocks after one hundred and eighty runs, unlimited rounds, high damage, recommended for any mission or Boss.
PistolStarting weapon, clip holds six rounds, does x1 damage, recommended for easy runs.
RifleUnlocked after thirty runs, clip holds single round, recommended for easy and medium runs as well as easy and medium Bosses.
ShotgunUnlocked after five Supply Depot trips, clip holds two rounds, does x2 damage, recommended for easy and medium runs as well as easy and medium Bosses.
Sub machine gunUnlocked after twenty runs, clip holds six rounds, does 2x damage, recommended for easy, medium and hard runs and easy and medium Bosses.