Ninjatown: Trees Of Doom! (iPhone iPod)


By completing certain objectives in the game, you'll unlock special awards and titles.

AchievementHow to unlock
1,000 MetersClimb 1,000 meters in Classic Mode.
10,000 MetersClimb 10,000 meters in Classic Mode.
100 MetersClimb 100 meters in Classic Mode.
2,000 MetersClimb 2,000 meters in Classic Mode.
250 MetersClimb 250 meters in Classic Mode.
5,000 MetersClimb 5,000 meters in Classic Mode.
500 MetersClimb 500 meters in Classic Mode.
AerophobiaClimb 1,000 meters in Classic Mode without using a height boosting powerup.
Anti-GravityFall off the tree as Anti-Ninja.
Baby NinjaFall off the tree below 20 meters.
Chain SmokerCollect 3 smoke bombs in a row without collecting any other kind of powerup.
CuckooLet the clock drop to 1 second in Timed Mode, then recover.
Great ApeGrab 1,000 branches over multiple games.
Great Balls Of FireTrigger 10 fireballs in one game.
Hurried UpClimb 250 meters without stopping for more than a second at a time.
Kicking The HabitCollect 3 smoke bombs in a row without collecting any other kind of powerup, then chew a pack of gum to break the addiction.
LunaticObserve all phases of the moon.
MoonwalkerTravel 10 meters backwards while the moon is visible.
Night OwlClimb 500 meters in a single night.
Ol' Monkey NinjaClimb 30 meters using only branches and mushrooms.
Power OverwhelmingCollect 50 of each powerup over multiple games.
Purple PainCollide with Dark Syrup or get hit by Syrup Devils a total of 50 times over multiple games.
Red BaronFly a total of 2,500 meters as Super Ninja over multiple games.
Rocket ManClimb a total of 100,000 meters over multiple games.
Stop! Ninjatime!Collect 5 Ninjatime Hourglasses in one game.
SundownTravel 1,000 meters before the sun sets for the first time without using the 1,000 Meter Bomb.
Survive 1 MinuteSurvive for 1 minute in Timed Mode.
Survive 10 MinutesSurvive for 10 minutes in Timed Mode.
Survive 5 MinutesSurvive for 5 minutes in Timed Mode.
TreadmillTouch nothing but slippery bark for 30 consecutive seconds.
Ultra-VioletCollect 5 bubble gum shields in one game without allowing any of them to pop.
VioletCollect 3 bubble gum shields in one minute or less.

Pink Costume

To wear this costume you have to go to the menu and tap on the sleeping ninja in the bottom right hand corner.