To keep your record at no losses, you can force quit the app, then log in again when you are about to lose. Note: You will miss out on the free card pick.
Team meter
Try to keep the team meter (rarity meter) almost full. This will ensure that your deck should be better than most other decks you will be playing against.
Fill your deck with 150 cards then start to upgrade players. This allows you to only improve your best cards. Begin with the rarest cards and continue towards the more common ones. Maximize them before going to the next player. If you get better cards in the process, discard the ones at the bottom. Be patient and do not purchase cards from the Auction Market. However, you can sell your unwanted rare cards there. Set a selling price slightly below market value to improve the chances that they will sell. Use the profits to improve your remaining cards.
Using cards
At first, your players will be randomly placed in your team. Change this to place them in their preferred position to get a position boost. Always play them in the correct position. Play cards outside of their preferred position only when their stats are much better than anything else you have. Begin by playing your weakest card, or a medium and weak apir if two players are required. The CPU usually plays its best card first. This allows you to protect your best card, even though you may start with a loss. Use boosting cards when a double team play is needed. This results in two players getting a bonus. Avoid using a booster during the first play to prevent losing it. Examine the Line-up Tier of your opponent and choose players from your tier or the tier below if possible to increase your chance to win. Pay attention to the number of games played and focus on opponents with less games than yourself and more losses. Avoid anyone at Super Rare Plus and above after just a few games. Only start a season after you have at least ten energy cards in stock. This allows you to keep your players playing at full potential. Your players will lose less stamina if they play in their preferred positions. Refill their energy every few matches.