Icomania (iPhone iPod) | CheatingDome.com |
Enter the following answers for the corresponding level. Note: Some games may use a different level number scheme, but the answer list will still give you a clue as to all possible responses in the game.
Level | Answer
1 (1) | Batman
1 (2) | Facebook
1 (3) | Youtube
1 (4) | Lion King
1 (5) | Nemo
1 (6) | Shrek
1 (7) | Will Smith
1 (8) | France
1 (9) | New York
1 (10) | Elvis
1 (11) | Italy
2 (12) | Johnny Depp
2 (13) | Hangover
2 (14) | Intel
2 (15) | Robin Hood
2 (16) | Einstein
2 (17) | Sherlock Holmes
2 (18) | Darth Vader
2 (19) | Spiderman
2 (20) | Simpsons
2 (21) | Pisa
2 (22) | Charlie Chaplin
2 (23) | Spotify
2 (24) | Zorro
2 (25) | Ghost Busters
2 (26) | Flint-stones
2 (27) | Harry Potter
2 (28) | Baywatch
2 (29) | Armstong
2 (30) | Egypt
2 (31) | Jurassic Park
2 (32) | Steve Jobs
2 (33) | Windows
2 (34) | ET
2 (35) | Master - Card
2 (36) | Switzer-land
2 (37) | Ikea
2 (38) | Aladdin
2 (39) | Homer
2 (40) | Mexico
2 (41) | Pinocchio
2 (42) | Avatar
2 (43) | Ice Age
2 (44) | Sydney
2 (45) | Whatsapp
3 (46) | Rio De Janeiro
3 (47) | Visa
3 (48) | Dubai
3 (49) | Indiana Jones
3 (50) | Pacman
3 (51) | Las Vegas
3 (52) | Star Wars
3 (53) | Jack Sparrow
3 (54) | Justin Bieber
3 (55) | San Francisco
3 (56) | Men In Black
3 (57) | Audi
3 (58) | Mickey Mouse
3 (59) | Simba
3 (60) | Scream
3 (61) | Amazon
3 (62) | The Matrix
3 (63) | James Bond
3 (64) | Rome
3 (65) | Finding Nemo
3 (66) | A-Team
3 (67) | Ebay
3 (68) | Kenny
3 (69) | Gandalf
3 (70) | Superman
3 (71) | Knight Rider
3 (72) | Washington
3 (73) | Obama
3 (74) | Bambi
3 (75) | Skype
3 (76) | Zuckerberg
3 (77) | Levis
3 (78) | Chrome
3 (79) | Wilson
3 (80) | Bart
3 (81) | Ferrari
3 (82) | Tetris
4 (83) | Kill Bill
4 (84) | London
4 (85) | Walle
4 (86) | Seattle
4 (87) | Adidas
4 (88) | Godzilla
4 (89) | Lexus
4 (90) | Hannibal
4 (91) | Kodak
4 (92) | Australia
4 (93) | Hello Kitty
4 (94) | Hawaii
4 (95) | Lord Of The Rings
4 (96) | Brazil
4 (97) | Star Trek
4 (98) | Sony Ericsson
4 (99) | Paris
4 (100) | Linux
4 (101) | Lisa
4 (102) | Canada
4 (103) | Ray-Ban
4 (104) | Red Bull
4 (105) | Nestle
4 (106) | Fila
4 (107) | Goofy
4 (108) | Oceans Eleven
4 (109) | Michael Jackson
4 (110) | China
4 (111) | Troy
4 (112) | Che Guevara
4 (113) | Pulp Fiction
4 (114) | Japan
4 (115) | Berlin
4 (116) | Spongebob
4 (117) | Terminator
4 (118) | Tarzan
4 (119) | Suzuki
4 (120) | Bill Gates
4 (121) | Frodo
4 (122) | Oakley
4 (123) | Marge
4 (124) | Doodle Jump
4 (125) | Nivea
4 (126) | Dell
4 (127) | USA
4 (128) | LG
4 (129) | Charlie Sheen
4 (130) | Psy
4 (131) | Heineken
4 (132) | Donald Duck