Frontier Heroes (iPhone iPod)

American Revolution: Tea boat challenge

To get all the stars, you must throw twenty crates of tea overboard. You will not have enough time to do this by just throwing the crates that slide past. You also need to capsize the red coats that paddle near. If you hit a redcoat with a crate, you will score points according to the number of crates on his boat. However, aiming the crates can prove difficult. You must toss the crate with the appropriate amount of power to hit the redcoats.

California Gold Rush: Rail spike challenge

Precise timing is required. When trying to drive the spike in under thirty seconds, the faster you hit the spike from the moment you hold the button, the more power you will use. Try to be accurate with your power swings. You will be able to complete it in about twenty seconds if each power swing is done correctly.

Early America: Bow and arrow challenge

Hitting every target at least once may prove to be difficult due the pumpkin in the back. To hit the pumpkin, aim slightly higher than the ground target, but not as high as the flag target.

The Colonies: Corn farm challenge

Fend off the gophers and crows while collecting corn. Each corn harvested will extend your time by a small amount. When green meters appear next to the corn stalks, it indicates their health. Water them to increase their health. If a meter reaches zero, that stalk will be dead cannot grow any more corn.

The Frontier: Log cutting challenge

You must cut seven logs for one of the stars. Each time a slice is done while the meter is in the brightly colored areas, you will get a meter block. Do this twice for both sides to perform a super cut, which instantly cuts the current log. Every time a successful slice is made, the speed of the meter increases. Intentionally make a mistake after a super cut to reset the meter's speed.

The Land of the Free era

Complete all the achievements to earn 71 stars.