Cardinal Quest 2 (iPhone iPod)

Various Achievements

AchievementHow to unlock
1 Live!Resurrect with an Ankh (normal difficulty only, +50 morale)
A Whole Lot of WrathAs a Paladin, do over 100 damage in one use of 'Wrath of God' (+50 morale)
AdmissionsReach the Mage Academy (3-4) (+50 morale)
Against The OddsClear all three Acts on Hard Difficulty or higher (+1000 morale)
All My FriendsMeet and defeat each of the Tower bosses (+50 morale)
AntibodiesCure poison with Antivenom (+50 morale)
ArachnophobiaKill the Spider Queen (+50 morale)
Army Of OneRack up 5,000 enemy kills over multiple games (+50 morale)
AssassinUnlock at least one perk and one gear option for the Thief (+50 morale)
Backstab!As a Thief, kill an enemy with a Sneak Attack (+50 morale)
Band Of HeroesClear two Acts with all classes (+50 morale)
Bare Knuckle KillerUnlock at least one perk and one gear option for the Pugilist (+50 morale)
Bargain HunterDefeat three Scavengers on Hard difficulty or higher (+50 morale)
Bark At The MoonKill a Dire Wolf while afflicted with Wolf Bite (+50 morale)
Best Friends ForeverAs a Ranger, clear an Act without Dog falling unconscious (+50 morale)
Blood MagicAs a Wizard, Leech enemies 10 times (+50 morale)
Body MovingAs a Thief, get your Speed stat to 20 or higher (+50 morale)
Can't Touch ThisClear an Act on Suicide difficulty without taking any damage (+50 morale)
Catch!As a Pugilist, kill a ranged enemy by knocking another into them with Knockback (+50 morale)
CollectorUnlock all Gear options for a class (+50 morale)
Cut Off The HeadDefeat Asterion on Hard difficulty or higher without killing either Lieutenant (+50 morale)
Cutting It CloseHeal up from 1 HP (+50 morale)
Death and TaxesKill an enemy civilian for gold (+50 morale)
Deeper UndergroundMake it through 2-5 and descend (+50 morale)
Defenders Of The RealmClear all three Acts with all classes (+50 morale)
Demon HunterClear Act 3 on Hard difficulty or higher (+350 morale)
Demon HuntersClear Act 3 on Hard difficulty or higher with three classes (+50 morale)
Die For Your CountryLog 100 deaths in the Heroic Record (+50 morale)
Dimensional WarriorClear Act 3 on Suicide difficulty (+500 morale)
Dimensional WarriorsClear Act 3 on Suicide difficulty with three classes (+200 morale)
Do You Feel Lucky?As a Wizard, have 'Inspiration' trigger three times in a row (+50 morale)
Don't Make Me AngryAs a Fighter, use the skill 'Berserk' next to an enemy (+50 morale)
Down PaymentDefeat a Scavenger (+50 morale)
Dragon RiderClear Act 2 on Suicide difficulty (+375 morale)
Dragon RidersClear Act 2 on Suicide difficulty with all three classes (+200 morale)
Dragon SlayerClear Act 2 on Hard difficulty or higher (+250 morale)
Dragon SlayersClear Act 2 on Hard difficulty or higher with three classes (+50 morale)
Elite HeroesClear two Acts on Hard difficulty or higher with all the classes (+50 morale)
Epic HeroClear Act 1 on Hard difficulty or higher (+150 morale)
Epic HeroesClear Act 1 on Hard difficulty or higher with three classes (+50 morale)
Epic ScoreLog an Act score of 100,000+ in the Heroic Record (+50 morale)
Eternal LegendsClear two Acts on Suicide difficulty with all classes (+200 morale)
Eviction NoticeAs an Alchemist, clear the City (3-2 and 3-3) of enemies on Hard difficulty or higher (+50 morale)
Expert TechniqueLevel up and buy a new Skill through the talent tree (+50 morale)
ExpertiseAs a Fighter, get your attack stat to 20 or higher (+50 morale)
Fat WalletHold 500 gold all at once (+50 morale)
Feeling The BurnAs a Paladin, suffer Magic Burn a total of ten times (+50 morale)
Feeling Very ThoroughClear a level of all enemies (+50 morale)
Final BossReach Shiurath's Lair (3-9) (+50 morale)
First BloodKill an enemy (+50 morale)
Flame OnAs a Wizard, kill an enemy in one hit with a fireball (+50 morale)
Frugal SpenderAs a Thief, steal something from a Scavenger (+50 morale)
Funding An ArmyCollect 12,500 gold total over multiple games (+50 morale)
Get Off My LandAs a Ranger, kill all enemies in the Village and Forest (1-1 to 1-3) on Suicide difficulty (+50 morale)
Getting Good At ThisWin 3 Act games in a row on Hard difficulty or higher (+50 morale)
Getting MadUse two Potions of Rage at once (+50 morale)
Go Higher than HighRise to the Tower's Challenge (+50 morale)
Go To WarpUse Blink or a scroll of Blink to get out of danger (+50 morale)
Hall of the Mountain QueenReach Xiatol's Lair (+50 morale)
Hard TrainingAs a Fighter, clear an Act without spending talent points on Hard difficulty or higher (+50 morale)
Harder, Better, FasterHave four different passive positive buffs active at once (+50 morale)
Hat TrickWin 3 Act games in a row (+50 morale)
HeadshotAs a Ranger, kill an enemy with 'Bow' at the very edge of your vision (+50 morale)
Heavy Metal HeroUnlock at least one perk and one gear option for the Fighter (+50 morale)
Heck, I'll Take The LotBuy everything a Scavenger has to offer (+50 morale)
Heroic DeathDie and make your first entry into the heroic record (+50 morale)
Heroic ScoreLog an Act score of 75,000 points in the Heroic Record (+50 morale)
High ScoreLog an Act score of 50,000 points in the Heroic Record (+50 morale)
Holy WarriorUnlock at least one perk and one gear option for the Paladin (+50 morale)
Hot StreakWin 3 Act games in a row on Suicide difficulty (+50 morale)
HunterUnlock at least one perk and one gear option for the Ranger (+50 morale)
I Think I'll Keep YouAs a Wizard, clear an Act with a live enslaved enemy (+50 morale)
ImmortalsClear all three Acts on Suicide difficulty with all three classes (+5000 morale)
Into The LabyrinthReach Assassin's Lair (1-7) (+50 morale)
It Keeps Getting SharperUse a Whetstone three times on a single weapon (+50 morale)
It's Nice To Have OptionsUnlock all perks and gear for every class (+50 morale)
Just Won't DieWin 5 Act games in a row on Suicide difficulty (+50 morale)
Knights Of HonorClear one Act on Hard difficulty or higher with all the classes (+50 morale)
Knights Of The CrownClear one Act on Suicide difficulty with all classes (+200 morale)
Knuckle SandwichAs a Pugilist, kill a stunned enemy with an Uppercut (+50 morale)
Leading The ChargeAcquire 50,000 Morale. (Spending Morale does not affect this Challenge) (+2500 morale)
Leeroy!Log 10 deaths in the Heroic Record (+50 morale)
Legendary HeroClear Act 1 on Suicide difficulty (+200 morale)
Legendary HeroesClear Act 1 on Suicide difficulty with three classes (+50 morale)
Legendary ScoreLog an Act score of 120,000 points in the Heroic Record (+50 morale)
Lethal WeaponAs a Pugilist, max out the Unarmed talent (+50 morale)
Level UpCollect enough XP to reach level 2 and spend a talent point (+50 morale)
License To KillRack up 1,000 enemy kills over multiple games (+50 morale)
LightfootedAs a Pugilist, dodge three attacks in a row using the 'Reflexes' talent or 'Boxer's Boots' (+50 morale)
Local HeroDefeat Asterion to complete Act 1 (+150 morale)
Local HeroesClear Act 1 with three different classes (+50 morale)
Local MilitiaClear one Act with all classes (+50 morale)
Map The PlanetExplore 100% of three levels (+50 morale)
Mastery Of The Dark ArtsAs a Wizard, completely fill your skill bar with Magic spells (+50 morale)
Mean StreetsFind and kill a Bandit in the city (in Act 3) (+50 morale)
Monster SlayerRack up 200 enemy kills over multiple games (+50 morale)
MountaineerDefeat Xiatol to complete Act 2 (+250 morale)
MountaineersClear Act 2 with three different classes (+50 morale)
New Tower+Reach the Tower's second tier (+50 morale)
Ninja VanishAs a Thief, use Shadow Walk to disappear while nearby enemies are blinded (+50 morale)
No Time To ChatClear an Act 1 level in less than 1:30 game time (+50 morale)
Not In Kansas Any MoreReach the Far Plane (3-6) (+50 morale)
NovelistAs an Alchemist, Combine two items to produce a Spellbook (+50 morale)
Old ComradesAs a Paladin, clear the Monastery (Act 2) without killing a Dark Paladin (+50 morale)
Old HauntsReach the Act I Keep (1-5) (+50 morale)
On A Mission From GodAs a Paladin, clear an Act using a Consecrated starting weapon (+50 morale)
One Down...Kill your first boss in The Tower (+50 morale)
Perk HappyUnlock all Perks for a class (+50 morale)
Plane WalkerDefeat Shiurath to complete Act 3 (+500 morale)
Plane WalkersClear Act 3 with three different classes (+50 morale)
Pocket ChangeCollect 1,500 gold over multiple games (+50 morale)
PowderkegUnlock at least one perk and one gear option for the Alchemist (+50 morale)
Powered UpPick up and use a new Skill (+50 morale)
Practical PacifistAs a Paladin, clear an Act using the 'Noncombatant' perk (+50 morale)
Practice Makes PerfectLog 50 deaths in the Heroic Record (+50 morale)
PredatorAs a Ranger, get your Stealth stat to 5 or higher (+50 morale)
Rallying The TroopsAcquire 25,000 Morale (Spending Morale doesn not affect this Challenge) (+1000 morale)
Ready For ActionAs a Fighter, buy the 'Enrage' and 'Frenzy' talents in the same run. (+50 morale)
RenownedAcquire 10,000 Morale (Spending Morale does not affect this challenge) (+500 morale)
ResilientWin 5 Act games in a row (+50 morale)
SharpshooterAs an Alchemist, one-shot thirty enemies with Pistol (+50 morale)
SorcererUnlock at least one perk and one gear option for the Wizard (+50 morale)
SpeedclimberClear three Tower bosses in less than 40:00 (game time) (+50 morale)
Speedrun IClear Act I in less than 50:00 (game time) (+50 morale)
Speedrun IIClear Act 2 in less than 45:00 (game time) (+50 morale)
Speedrun IIIClear Act 3 in less then 40:00 (game time) (+50 morale)
Speedrun IVClear Act 1 on Hard difficulty or higher in less than 40:00 (game time) (+50 morale)
Speedrun VClear Act 2 on Hard difficulty or higher in less than 35:00 (game time) (+50 morale)
Speedrun VIClear Act 3 on Hard difficulty or higher in less than 30:00 (game time) (+50 morale)
Spending MoneyCollect 3,500 gold total over multiple games (+50 morale)
SurvivorWin 5 Act games in a row on Hard difficulty or higher (+50 morale)
Take A ChanceLog 5 deaths in the Heroic Record (+50 morale)
TakedownAs a Fighter, kill a ranged enemy with Charge (+50 morale)
Tenure RevokedAs a Wizard, completely clear the Mage Academy (3-4) of enemies on Suicide difficulty (+50 morale)
The AlchemistUnlock the Alchemist class (+50 morale)
The HeistAs a Thief, pick up all items in Asterion's lair (1-7) before killing the boss (+50 morale)
The Long RunClear Acts 1 to 3 in order, using one class, without dying, on Suicide difficulty (+50 morale)
The PaladinUnlock the Paladin class (+50 morale)
The PugilistUnlock the Pugilist class (+50 morale)
The RangerUnlock the Ranger class (+50 morale)
The Spice Must FlowCollect 25,000 gold total over multiple games (+50 morale)
The ThiefUnlock the Thief class (+50 morale)
The WizardUnlock the Wizard class (+50 morale)
Thirst For BloodRack up 2,500 enemy kills over multiple games (+50 morale)
This Is A Sneaking MissionAs a Thief, complete 1-1 without alerting a single enemy (+50 morale)
This Is Your Brain On MagicAs a Paladin, stun a spellcaster with 'Dispel' (+50 morale)
Through The ForestMake it through 1-3 (+50 morale)
Through Your VeinsAs a Ranger, kill an enemy with the damage-over-time effect of 'Poison Arrow' (+50 morale)
Triple ThreatAs an Alchemist, use three Legendaries at once: armor, weapon, and an item (+50 morale)
UnstoppableClear all three Acts on Suicide difficulty (+2000 morale)
VersatilityAs a Fighter, start with the perk 'Constant Bubbling Rage' and then fill your skill bar (+50 morale)
Very ClassyUnlock every class (+50 morale)
VeteranRack up 500 enemy kills over multiple games (+50 morale)
War ChestCollect 6,500 gold total over multiple games (+50 morale)
Weapon UpEquip a new weapon (+50 morale)
What Are Ya Buying?Purchase something from a scavenger (+50 morale)
What's Mine Is YoursAs a Ranger, share 20 health or more with Dog via 'Blood Link' (+50 morale)
Who Needs Gear?As a Pugilist, clear an Act using the 'I Travel Light' perk on Suicide difficulty (+50 morale)
With My Bare HandsDefeat Shiurath on Suicide difficulty without using skills in the boss level (+50 morale)
Wizard ArmyAs a Wizard, have five or more allies at the same time (+50 morale)
World DefendersClear all three Acts on Hard difficulty or higher with all classes (+50 morale)
Yes, It's Accurately NamedRecord your first death on Suicide difficulty (+50 morale)
Zerg RushLog 25 deaths in the Heroic Record (+50 morale)