Brutal Fantasy - The Orcs of Undermountain (iPhone iPod)

Game Center achievements

Complete the following tasks to unlock Apple Game Center achievements.

AchievementHow to unlock
BastardBuy the bastard two handed axe.
BattlefieldBeat days 6-10.
BehemothDefeat the orc behemoth.
Blood redKill a red orc.
Blue guardComplete the third bonus stage.
BookwormComplete the first bonus stage.
Eat your brainsKill a zombie.
Forever in your serviceSave princess Graena.
Home sweet homeBeat days 1-5.
MarauderDefeat an orc marauder.
NecromancerKill a necromancer.
Reclaim the throneBeat days 16-20.
Service with a smirkComplete the fourth bonus stage.
Sexy OrcComplete the second bonus stage.
Twinkle twinkleBeat days 11-15.