When designing the layout of your base, choose a design that includes the following features:
Create multiple empty spaces between towers and buildings.
Force enemy troops to cover a lot of distance to travel from one tower to the next.
Have your Castle in a central area protected with at least two sets of walls.
Horn power-up
You can activate the Horn for the first three days after starting the game. This allows you to call back troops that you deploy in battle. You can then reuse those deployed units that did not fall in battle. This allows you to use your units to their fullest extent because you do not need to wait for them to finish their training. Tap the horn icon at the lower left side during the first minute of the battle to use it.
Begin hiding your resources after you get established. Do not build too much storage for your resources or it will catch your enemy's attention. Hide your wealth by building only a few storage areas as well as using resources before your shield runs out. However, you may be forced to maintain a specific level of storage or resources in order to earn achievements and qualify for upgrades.
Various strategies
When starting out, focus on resource building in order to keep your supplies filled. Improving resources that will allow you build more upgrades, produce more offensive units, bring in the best defense. You do not have to worry about defending your kingdom until you are making lots of money and resources. In the early phase, strategy is less important than sheer numbers. Deploy as many cheap troops as possible, even though they are week. To do this, upgrade your Military Schools to generate good numbers of units. Use this tactic in multiplayer mode, where many opponents may not have the complicated defense needed to counter large numbers of attackers. As you progress, you will find that the fewer units you use to win, the better. To do this, you must formulate strategies that will allow you to use each piece effectively in battle. By using fewer units you will have some extra units available to deploy for your next attack. This will also keep resources consumption low. Use as much of your area as possible by clearing debris. Expand your area only when you do not have something to buy, and you need to hide your excess resources by purchasing something.