Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie (Genesis)


Black Ranger Attacks

Axe Spin: Hit A,A or B,B to activate this atack (Note Don't use this against the "Green Ranger" He can use his ZAP atack to stop you)

Fight Lord Z

On level five there is a large rock in the background. Hit it until it opens (about 7 times). Enter the rock and fight the Putty's you find. When the fight is over, you'll return outside and find another rock. Enter this one to fight Lord Z.

Finishing Move

When your opponent is very low on health, hold A and press the d-pad toward your opponent to finish him.

Green Ranger Attacks

ZAP Atack: (Best Against Axe Spin)to activate double press the A or the B button.

Gun Shot

Press A or B Button and press Back, Down, Forward, Up, this will emit the blast and hurt the opponent.

Power Hit

For a more powerful hit, hold the fire button for five seconds.

Yellow Ranger Attack

When the Yellow Ranger is in the air, press Down, Forward, A to do a cool move.