Rocky (GBA)

Fight as Apollo Creed

Defeat Apollo Creed in Movie mode.

Fight as Apollo Creed II

Defeat Apollo Creed II in Movie mode.

Fight As Apollo Max

Successfully complete the game in knockout mode under the hard difficulty setting.

Fight as Big Chuck Smith

Defeat Big Chuck Smith in Movie mode.

Fight as Big Yank Ball

Defeat Big Yank Ball in Movie mode.

Fight as Billy Snow

Defeat Billy Snow in Movie mode.

Fight as Brian Buchanan

Defeat Brian Buchanan in Movie mode.

Fight as Buddy Shaw

Defeat Buddy Shaw in Movie mode.

Fight as Clubber Lang

Defeat Clubber Lang in Movie mode.

Fight as Dipper Brown

Defeat Dipper Brown in Movie mode.

Fight as Ernie Roman

Defeat Ernie Roman in Movie mode.

Fight as Ivan Drago

Defeat Ivan Drago in Movie mode.

Fight as Joe Chan

Defeat Joe Chan in Movie mode.

Fight as Joe Zack

Defeat Joe Zack in Movie mode.

Fight as Mac Lee Green

Defeat Mac Lee Green in Movie mode.

Fight as Phil Rodgers

Defeat Phil Rodgers in Movie mode.

Fight as Rocky Balboa II

Defeat Apollo Creed in Movie mode.

Fight as Rocky Balboa III

Defeat Apollo Creed II in Movie mode.

Fight as Rocky Balboa IV

Defeat Clubber Lang in Movie mode.

Fight as Rocky Balboa V

Defeat Ivan Drago in Movie mode.

Fight As Rocky Statue

Successfully complete the game in knockout mode under the normal difficulty setting.

Fight as Rocky Statue

Successfully complete the game in knockout mode under the normal difficulty setting.

Fight as Spider Rico

Defeat Spider Ricon in Movie mode.

Fight as Tim Simms

Defeat Tim Simms in Movie mode.

Fight as Tommy Gunn

Defeat Tommy Gunn in Movie mode.

Fight as Union Cane

Defeat Union Cane in Movie mode.

Fight as Vito Soto

Defeat Vito Soto in Movie mode.

Knockout Mode

Successfully complete the game in movie mode.