Pinky and the Brain: The Master Plan (GBA)

Level passwords

Enter these passwords at the passcode screen (order is from left to right, the first three characters go on the upper half of the screen, the other three characters go on the bottom half of the screen).

Level 01Pinky , Roofus, Prof, Ape, Doofus, Brain
Level 02Ape, Pinky, Brain, Roofus, Roofus, Doofus
Level 03Ape, Pinky, Brain, Doofus, Roofus, Ape
Level 04Pinky, Prof, Brain, Brain, Pinky , Ape
Level 05Roofus, Pinky, Pinky, Prof, Prof, Brain
Level 06Roofus, Ape, Prof, Doofus, Brain, Brain
Level 07Prof, Brain, Pinky, Ape , Pinky, Pinky
Level 08Ape, Ape, Prof, Doofus, Brain, Brain
Level 09Brain, Prof, Brain, Ape, Prof, Roofus
Level 10Doofus, Doofus, Roofus, Brain, Brain, Roofus
Level 11Roofus, Ape, Roofus, Pinky, Brain, Pinky
Level 12Brain, Pinky, Ape, Roofus, Doofus, Roofus
Level 13Pinky, Brain, Ape, Prof, Pinky, Ape
Level 14Prof, Brain, Brain, Ape, Doofus, Prof
Level 15Pinky, Pinky, Roofus, Brain, Ape, Doofus
Level 16Prof, Prof, Doofus, Ape, Pinky, Ape
Level 17Brain, Roofus, Doofus, Prof, Ape, Brain
Level 18Pinky, Doofus, Brain, Pinky, Roofus, Prof
Level 19Doofus, Roofus, Ape, Ape , Prof, Brain
Level 20Roofus, Pinky, Brain, Doofus, Prof, Ape
Level 21Doofus, Ape, Pinky, Prof, Prof, Brain