Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee (GBA)
Level Passwords
Level 1: Cvzx2JLk
Level 2: tDKLS60b
Level 3: s60dmgl0
Level 4: BRTv4BDc
Level 5: sFJHRv1P
Level 6: sFMv8sxM
Level 7: B69CMLNm
Level 8: tjsFTnsH
Level 9: tjsFZjnC
Level 10: B6CSpBDc
Level 11: ZPVqCtxL
Level 12: Fjq0VRTs
Level 13: s6FX2GLm
Music player
Enter THQMPMD1 as a password to unlock the "Music Player" option at the main menu.