Game Boy Advance (hardware) (GBA)

Adjust screen size

Press L to make your screen wider and R to return it to normal when playing a Game Boy or Game Boy Color game.

Classic Game Boy game colors

Other color schemes for classic Game Boy games may be selected at the Game Boy Advance logo by pressing the following combinations. Note: This only affects regular and not color Game Boy games.

Combination Background Color 1 Color 2
None Green, Blue Red Red
Up Brown Brown Brown
Up + A Red Green Blue
Up + B Dark Brown Brown Brown
Left Blue Green Red
Left + A Dark Blue Red Blue
Left + B Green Green Green
Down Yellow, Red, Blue Yellow, Red, Blue Yellow, Red, Blue
Down + A Yellow, Red Yellow, Red Yellow, Red
Down + B Yellow Blue Green
Right Green, Red Green, Red Green, Red
Right + A Green, Blue Red Red
Right + B Invert Invert Invert

Game Worm Cam: Animation

You can create a small animation that lasts for a minute and make it appear on your screen. When your turning on the game. press Up, Down, R, L, Select and go to the editor. You will have an option to make the little video.

In-game reset

Press A + B + Start + Select during game play to reset most Game Boy, Game Boy Color, and Game Boy Advance games.

Maximum HP (for Gameshark only)

This code is only for Gameshark users that use versions 3 or 4. The code is as follows:

6FD8F5 + 682946 + F70F67-4BC3AF

This code gives all of your characters Maximum HP in Rivira: The Promised Land.

Nintendo logo return

To return the Nintendo logo after it disappears, press A + B.

Pause loading

Press Start + Select at the introduction screen after the first sound (swoosh). The Nintendo logo should disappear as it makes the Mario pause sound, and the system will pause (lock). Then press any button after the second sound (ping) to bring back the Nintendo logo with another sound, and the game will continue to load. Note: This only works for Game Boy Advance games.

System suspend

Pause your game, then press Select + R. Your game will still be active, but the Game Boy Advance will be in suspend mode to save power. Press Select + L to return to normal operations.