Boxing Fever (GBA)

Invincibility and more power

When choosing your boxer, hit these buttons, then hit select when you're finished entering the button sequence:

Right, Left(2), Right, Left - Invincible
Left(4), Right - More power

New characters

When awarded a new character or outfit after completing the Professional Championship or better, go into any fighting mode (for example, Single Fight, Survival, etc.). Highlight that character, then press Select. Note: New characters are the person you just defeated that championship with, but will have a different hair, costume, glove color, and record. For example, Mickey McFists record is 12 wins 3 loss and 9 KOs, but "Joe Nitro" has 15 wins 2 loss and 11 KOs.

CharacterHow to unlock
Evil JackpotWin the World Title with Jackpot (wearing the player two costume).
Ice BergWin World Title with Tiny. He has a solid record of 99 wins/KOs and 0 loss.
Jackpot (player two costume)Win Professional Championship with him.
Joe NitroWin the Professional Championship with Mickey McFist.
Joe Nitro (alternate costume)Win World Title with Joe Nitro..
Major Flag new costumeWin the Professional Championship with him, then highlight him and press Select. His shirt will be purple.
Miagaru new costume (yellow)Win the World Title with him.
Miagaru player two costume (white)Win the Professional Championship with him.
Psycho TickWin the Professional Championship using The Hammer.
Royal Pain new costumeWin the World Title with him. When done, highlight him and press Select. His skin will be orange.
Royal Pain player two costumeWin the Professional Championship with him, then highlight him and press Select. He will have pale skin.
Sgt. DrillWin the Professional Championship using Major Flag.
Tiny new costumeWin the Professional Championship,with him, then highlight him and press Select. His skin will be gray.
Violent VioletWin the Professional Championship with Knuckles Nadine.
Wendy WackerWin the World Title using Violent Violet.


Status - Password

Survival Mode completed - G51FF888
Amateur Series completed - 90HG6738
Top Contender Series completed - H7649DH5
Pro Am Series completed - 2GG48HD9
Professional Series completed - 8G3D97B7
World Title completed - B3G58318