At the CompStat/Map screen, hold L + R and press X, B, X, B.
Better upgrades
As your rank gets better (5 being the worse, and 1 being best), you can buy better upgrades for your character at the Police Department Armory, such as better zoom for your guns, or a more slow-mo dive. You can also purchase new guns to use. The guns will be in the trunk of your police car that you get from the garage.
Double damage
At the Compstat screen, hold L + R and press A(2), B, A(3).
Easy mode
At the Compstat screen, hold L + R and press X, B, A(2), Y, X.
Extra money
At the Compstat screen, hold L + R and press B(2), Y, B, Y, B.
Fights open
At the CompStat/Map screen, hold L + R and press B, B, Y, Y, Square.
Get cops to stop shooting you
Sometimes when you are in street clothes and shoot at someone in front of a cop, the cop will start shooting at you. To get them to stop, turn towards them and flash your badge at them. They should then stop shooting at you.
Infinite ammunition
At the Compstat screen, hold L + R and press X, B, A, B(2), Y.
Infinite endurance
At the Compstat screen, hold L + R and press X, B, A, B, A, X.
Non-fatal shots
When arresting people without killing them, enter Aim mode and put your sight over either their arm or leg, wait for it to turn blue, then shoot. They will fall to the ground, and you can then arrest them. This is useful for increasing your Good Cop rank.
Play as Redman
Successfully complete the game to unlock Redman.
Puma Shoes costume
At the CompStat/Map screen, hold L + R and press Y, A, X, B. Alternately, collect all ten pairs of Puma shoes hidden in the city, then go to the Puma Shoe store.
Red mode
At the Compstat screen, hold L + R and press Y, A(2), X, Y, B.
Redman Gone Wild mini-game
At the CompStat/Map screen, hold L + R and press Y, A, A, X, Y, B to unlock the Redman Gone Wild mini-game. Alternately, get a 100% game completion. Then, go to the location given by Redman when he calls.
Street Races open
At the CompStat/Map screen, hold L + R and press Y, Y, A, A, Triangle.
Super Cop mode
At the Compstat screen, hold L + R and press Y, A, Y, A, Y(2).
Vehicle ranks
Achieve the indicated rank to have the corresponding vehicle available in the police garage:
Detective Rank 1: 6.5L V8 Custom SUV
Detective Rank 2: 5.4L SC V8 Coupe
Detective Rank 3: 2.5L L4 Sedan
Detective Rank 4: 6.0L V8 Coupe
Detective Rank 5: 3.5L V6 Sedan
Weapon and ability ranks
Achieve the indicated rank to have the corresponding weapons and abilities available in the police armory: