Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness (GameCube)


Agate Village

You can return to Agate Village. The only difference is that there are different people and it is five years later.

Alternate Pokemon healing

If you are somewhere where there are no Pokemon healing machines, find a PC. Put the Pokemon from your party onto the PC, then take them out again. They will all have full power.

Classic battle

At the Outpost stand, talk to the man with the pink hair. As you leave the stand he will challenge you to a battle. Accept and you will battle Rider Willie, the first trainer from Pokemon Coliseum. Also, the background music will be that from the Pokemon Coliseum battle. You can challenge him whenever you desire.

Easy purification

To get your Pokemon purified easily, keep the Pokemon with you for at least ten minutes, then put them in the purification chamber. They will purify about 25% faster than normal.

Eevee's best form

If you want to evolve eevee do not pick flareon because there is not a lot of grass,bug and ice type.also do not pick vaporeon because there is not a lot of rock,ground and fire type. Don't pick espeon because it is hard to rase and it has low HP.not umbereon because he just is easy to rase and has good HP but his attacks suck. Pick jolteon a fast pokemon and there is a lot of water type to kill he is also very easy to rase.

Recommended moves for jolteon

1.thunderbolt (by a TM only)
2.double kick (lerns it)
3.bite (should keep it may come in use)
4.body slam
(old lady in AGATE VILLAGE in the far side cave)


You must do something for the news crew to get Elekid. They will ask you to check with someone in the outskirts. His name Hordel and he is from Cipher. He will give you a Togepi at level 25 and ask you to purify it for him. Once this is done, you can keep it or take it back to him. He will trade you an Elekid at level 20.

Fight Bonsly

Find Bonsly on the ship in the desert. He will run from you. You need to put some food at the oasis Poke Spot. After awhile he will come to it. Then, go back to the old man. He will give a Battle Bingo card with Bonsly on it. Take it to the Battle Bingo place. Go into your pad and it will have the flash this card option. Pay 500 Poke Dollars to battle with Bonsly.

Fourth generation Pokemon

There are two new Pokemon in this game from the fourth generation. They are Munchlax and Bonsly.

Gateon Port items

When questioned by Acri at Gateon Port, she will give you one of four different items depending on your answers. To get an Amulet Coin, answer "Yes" to all her questions. To get a White Herb, answer "Yes" to two of her questions. To get a Mental Herb, answer "Yes" to one of her questions. To get a Quick Claw, answer "No" to all her questions.

Getting the most out of the Purification Chamber

To have the Purification Chamber working at its best, place any four Pokemon around the circle. Then, select a different Pokemon from either your party or PC. Move it over the Pokemon around the circle. When you move the new Pokemon over one of the ones you already set, see if the Tempo Bar goes up or down. Once it goes up, replace the old Pokemon with the new one. Keep doing this until you find the correct combination of Pokemon to make the Tempo Bar full.

How to purify Lugiah

Go to the purify chamber and make all of them are filled then put Lugiah( shadow Lugiah ) in one of them then it will purify that second.

Johto Starters

Okay to get the johto starters you muststart at one and go to 100 without leaving the place. You can save their and turn it off so there are no worries.

Johto starters

It is possible to get all three Johto starters. Successfully complete Mt. Battle in Story mode to get one Johto Pokemon with their elemental hyper beam. Totodile will have Hydro Cannon. Cyndaquil will have Blast Burn. Chikorita will have Frenzy Plant. You can get all three starters by completing Mt. Battle a total of three times.

Legendary Pokemon

There are a total of 8 L. Pokemon in collosuim and XD. 4 in each game. Oh-Ho, Entie, Suiqune, and Raiku are in collsuim. Lugia(as you know), Zapdos, Moltres, and Articuno are in XD.


Lugia can be caught at Nickledark Island. He comes out at level 50 after you defeat Cipher Boss Deathgold. To purify Lugia, get full tempo in all nine chambers. Then, place Lugia in one of the sets and it will be purified.

To get an opportunity at snagging Lugia in the demo version, you must first snag the first 60. Then, go to the mountain with a Groundon statue and Lugia will fly there. You will them battle him; he is at level 50.

Master Ball

To get the Master Ball, see Professor Krane at the Pokemon HQ lab. He is in a room on the first floor. Talk to him and he will open up a passage in the floor. There is a chest in the room. Open it to find a Master Ball. You must have been to Citadark Isle at least once to get the Master Ball. It is best used on Lugia.

Miror B

You can find Miror B early in the game. The first time you encounter him, he will ask you to join his group. If you say yes, he will think that you are lying. Say no, and he will get mad. Either way, you will have to battle him. He has a Shadow Nosepass. The second time you encounter him, he will be on an island. When you talk to him, he will battle you again. This time he has a Shadow Dragonite, and also the Shadow Nosepass if you did not catch it earlier.

Mt. Battle Master Pokemon

The Mt. Battle Master Battlus has the following good Pokemon:

Dusclops (level 70 to 76)
Slaking (level 70 to 76)
Latoios (level 70 to 76)
Latias (level 70 to 76
Salamence (level 70 to 76)
Metagross (level 70 to 76)

Munchlax or bonsly

To get munchlax or bonsly you need to have gotton the bonsly card or gotton the munchlax home for the women.when you have done this you need to go to the battle card place (i forgot the name) and battle bonsly, instead of using a master ball in the game use a poke ball of your own then you will have bonsly in your first open box if you do this you cant get munchlax. if you want munchlax you need to go to the women that has the munchlax after you beat the master of citadark isle she will ask you to deliver munchlax to her friend (yop dont get to keep it :( srry but you need to get a ditto from another game. if you breed hers and ditto you will get a egg after 1,000,000 steps! its a long time i know but its worth it. After that just give the women that lives next to the parts shop and then you have a munchlax.if you do this first you can get bonsly second but if you do bonsly first you cant get munchlax.

Premier Ball

Go to a shop and buy about ten Pokeballs. The shopkeeper will say "Thank you! As a bonus have a Premier Ball!".

Second chance at catching Pokemon

If you accidentally kill a Shadow Pokemon, do not worry. After you acquire the Miror B Radar, every once in a while it will tell you that he is at the Rock Pokemon catching spot. Go there and fight him and he will have one of the Shadow Pokemon you accidentally killed before.

Shadow attacks

The Shadow Pokemon have some Shadow attacks. There are 18 Shadow attacks in all. They are Shadow Crush, Shadow Attack, Shadow Wave, Shadow Rave (same as Shadow Wave except stronger), Shadow Weather, Shadow Down, Shadow Half, Shadow Mist, Shadow Remove, Shadow Hold, Shadow Panic, Shadow Storm, Shadow Break, Shadow End, Shadow Chill, Shadow Bolt, Shadow Fire, and Shadow Blast.

Snag six Shadow Pokemon at once

The final Boss has six Pokemon to be snagged: Rhydon (level 46), Zapdos (level 50), Tauros (level 46), Exeggutor (level 46), Articuno (level 50), and Moltres (level 50). Go to the Outskirts and buy twenty of every kind of Pokeball. You should also use your Shadow Pokemon against his and they will not do very much to each other. Additionally, in the final battle with Greevil, if one or more of the Shadow Pokemon faint, do not reset. Just win and fight him again. He will have the one(s) that you missed, and the rest will be normal. Also, if you already have Shadow Lugia, you will only battle Greevil.

Snag two Shadow Pokemon at once

Occasionally some trainers will have two Shadow Pokemon to snag; be careful when this happens.


When you get your first and only master ball from Krane save turn the gamecube off and back on go see Krane again and you should get another. Lets you catch shadow Lugia Zapdos Moltres and Articuno at the final battle.