If you visit Shady and Mr. Pockets (the barter droids), then leave without buying anything, they will say something other than their usual set of parting phrases.
Automatically recruit a sentry
In some levels there are guns that are difficult to destroy. If you throw an EMP grenade at it, then hijack it, you can shoot with it. When you get out of the sentry, it will automatically be recruited, giving you a good advantage in the Mill City Hub, and Mill City Center levels.
Cleaner in level 15 Minutes
In the level 15 minutes, the old droid in the jail cell will talk to you, when the mils come to get you, hit them with you're arm until they start shooting at you, when they do this hide behind the old droid and the mils will destroy him instead of you and a cleaner should appear! Now use it against those Titans.
Completing Final Battle
To kill corrosive without getting hurt, hide under the curved tunnel just in the entrance looking out towards the right hand wall of the arena, and he will position himself a few meters in front of you. You can then shoot everything you have at the hole in the red patch in his armor while he does absolutely nothing to defend himself.
Defeating Kingbot
Fire missiles at Kingbot until he stops moving. This usually happens after about four to five shots. Then, aim your targets at his right leg, stand just off-center, and throw in a Core Charge. This normally takes about five times. After ever two charges, some little bots will appear. The best weapon to use against them is the Scatter Ammo, as it will kill them quickly, especially when they are directly bearing down on you. Missiles will cause more damage to your health.
Disable the King Bot by firing missiles at him. This will make him stop in his tracks. Then his mouth will open, and you can throw core charges in. Next, aim your recticle (target) at his leg where it meets his body. You need to stand slightly to the right.
It is only necessary to use missiles and grenades. Immediately take out your missile launcher and run to the right to get extra missiles. Turn and disable Kingbot with three to four shots. Move over to one of the enclosed ground areas and allow Kingbot to crush it open, being careful not to be hit. This will give you more grenades. Disable him again and fire missiles in his mouth when he opens it. Line up your grenades to go in his mouth by standing just off-center to his right. You will see his head start to smoke. After doing this a few times, small robots will pop out of him. These can be destroyed with other guns, but it is easier to use the missiles. When they die, they will leave behind heath packs. Keep firing in his mouth and he will explode.
Defeating Mils
Mils are a lot less likely to "know" what is shooting at them if you are in a vehicle.
The best way to catch Mils that are already hunting you down off-guard is to throw a coring charge around a corner. Even better, in the case of the bunkers in the Access The Ruins level and Secret Rendezvous level, stick your head in, throw a coring charge, and get out. The results are amply satisfactory.
Always reload your weapon when you are done with a pack of Mils. Reloading in a firefight can be very costly.
Defeating RATs
If you end up on top of a RAT with a Mil or enemy player in the gun seat, jump on top of the gun, or into the gun seat before shooting at them. This takes a little practice, but it is possible. By doing this, they will not be able to shoot at you while you shoot at them. The same goes for the Sentinel turret, as well as the AA gun turrets (single RAT machine gun, mounted on the ground). However, it does not work for the Super AA guns (quadruple barrel and mortar launcher, much more powerful than standard AA); if you stand on top of the barrels, you will still take damage for some reason.
Defeating Scouts
To deactivate a Scout quickly and easily, run up to it, preferably from behind. Get as close as you can before it notices you. Use the Scatter Blaster on it. Do not use coring charges or rockets on it; they take far to much time to re-fire/reload. The Rivet Gun is too accurate, and there are only five rivets to a clip. The Mining Laser should not be used, for obvious reasons. If it gets too far away to use the Scatter Blaster, get the SPEW out and use that.
Defeating Sentry turrets
When dealing with a Sentry turret, get around the back of it and jump onto the platform on its back. You can shoot at it, but it will not be able to shoot back. When it turns around to fire at you, you will still be behind it. It will just end up turning around and around.
Don't Kill the Titan - Control Him - Level 23
After you enter Level 23 "The Hand Is Mightier", you move toward an open metal gate.
Suddenly, a shielded grunt Mil armed with a rivet gun comes from outside the gate. He says "What are you doing here? No droids are allowed in this area of Mil City! Prepare to be destroyed!"
When he starts speaking, run toward the back of the generator on the left side, and a shop will appear. Buy the Level 3 S.P.E.W. EUK to destroy Milbot shields.
Use the S.P.E.W. to fight this grunt as you run through the gate. Fight two more grunts as you go under the bridge.
After going under the bridge, you see a Titan. Throw an EMP grenade at him, and fire a control tether at his D port to take control of him. Then use him as your fighter against the other Mils.
Drive on the wall
On any level that has the car with the claw, have the wall on your left or right. Then, strafe left or right and you will begin to drive on the wall.
Drive vehicles without being in them
While in a multi-player game, jump into a vehicle (Loader, RAT, or Sentinel). At the same time, get someone else to grab you, using the claws of another Loader, about half a second before you actually land in the vehicle. You will now be able to drive the vehicle you were about to jump into, but will not be actually be in it. However, you are not invincible, as that vehicle will take your damage for you.
F&!?ing Krunked: Clearing out Mils
Try controlling a Titan to clear out most of the Mils in the level. If you lose the Titan, pick up an Elite to finish the job.
Fighting the Zombiebot King
In order to beat the Zombiebot King just wear him down using rockets until he pauses (doesn't move). Toss a grenade (coring charge) into its mouth. On Normal, it takes five grenades to kill him and after the 3rd and 4th grenades there are regular zombiebots that swarm the arena.
Fire It Up: Defeating Swarmers
In the Fire It Up level, there are a lot of Swarmers (the little spiders). Use the flamethrower to temporarily push them away. If there are a large number of them, the easiest way to kill them is to double jump over or out of them. If they start eating at your joints, double jump and they should get off.
Fire It Up: Getting past the double jump
Near the end of the level after you activate the reactor, three Mil Bots will appear. Take them out with the Toaster. Go into the tunnel and there will be two Energy Cells. Go down into the gap, but to help get rid of the spiders temporarily, throw a Magma Bomb into the little space where most of them appear. . While the spiders are being burnt, drop into the gap into the floor, go backwards as far as you can, then make a blinding dash towards the other end where you have to double jump to get out. This may require a few attempts, but it will work.
General Corrosive: Aiming
When playing as Corrosive in the General Corrosive level, do not release R; simply aim at the enemies, and Corrosive's heatseeker missiles will do the job quickly. The same is true in the Mozer, Schmozer level; simply do not release L; the steel girder Mozer swings is more than enough to dispatch anyone who gets too close.
General Corrosive: Find the barter droids
In level 41, General Corrosive, get to the upper ledge around the level via one of the bridges from the central hub. Go clockwise around the level until you reach the area with two "elevators" that do not go low enough for you to double-jump onto them from the lower ledge. Ride the left elevator up to the top. In a small alcove next to you, you will see the barter droids. The chip they sell is worth 150 washers. Keep that in mind before you enter the level.
Get To The Tower: Use tank
You can use the tank to jump over the electric fences and brick wall at the end of the level, instead of climbing the Corrosive Statue to slide down the wires. Park the tank rested against the fence/wall, and aim the turret as high up as it will go. Get out of the tank, run to the end of the turret, and double-jump over.
Getting Past General Corrosive
When playing in the coliseum, you will fight against General Corrosive in the last match. You cannot hurt him. When you enter the arena, run to the far right side. There is a box that has a health in it. Hide on the side opposite General Corrosive and get him to destroy it with a rocket. When he does, get the health. There is also a wrench when you get the health. Run from the general and hide in one of the small huts. When inside, quickly disassemble yourself. The general will destroy the hut and find you in pieces. A short intermission sequence will play and you will proceed to the next level.
On the next to the very last level you have to get past General Corrosive. He is invincible, but there is a way to get past the level. In certain long boxes (and some small) there will be chips. There are five that you must collect. Then, go to the jump pads (the green gassy pads) to get to a room with a arcade game in it, along with Zobby. Put the five chips in the game machine to take control of Corrosive himself. After this is done, an armada of every one of your enemies except zombies will come at you (as Corrosive). However, you are invincible; take them all out, then use the master computer to destroy the space ship.
God mode
In Bot Brawl mode, hack into a Mil at the same moment that you get killed. If done correctly, you will be in the Mil without a health bar. If you leave the Mil, you will die as soon as you exit. This may take some practice.
Grenade warning
Every grenade you launch can hurt you if you are close to it.
Keep Mil or vehicle
If you pass a checkpoint while controlling a Mil, and you die as Glitch later, you will return to the checkpoint that you last passed as the Mil you were controlling. Similarly, if you pass a checkpoint in a vehicle and die later on, you will return with the vehicle that you had.
Last Minute Effort: Drill
On the multi-player level Last Minute Effort, you can go to the drill by taking the big bot with four laser guns. Have a friend fly up to the drill with you on it.
Make the big barter droid mad
Leave the barter droid shop without purchasing anything. The big barter droid will flip you off, but it will be covered by a censor bar.
Multi-player General Corrosive
Successfully complete the game with all secret and speed chips to unlock General Corrosive as a playable character in multi-player mode.
Multi-player levels
Collect the corresponding number of secret chips during campaign mode to unlock the corresponding multi-player level.
Corrosive City: 110 secret chips
DMA Death Sphere: 40 secret chips
Mac mines: 138 secret chips
Matt's Big Gun Fun: 8 secret chips
Morbot Land: 15 secret chips
Ruins: 60 secret chips
The Coliseum: 85 secret chips
The Reactor Factor: 25 secret chips
The Trenches: 4 secret chips
Defeating General Corrosive
In last level, you will find yourself in ruins of the Space Station that you destroyed earlier. After General Corrosive survives the crash, he will get very mad, but will not be that "indestructible". First, try to shoot off his right leg so he will not be that fast. Then, go for his left arm that he uses to get those flying green things out of his mouth. Next, go for the whole thing. It will be easy with rockets and few "cleaners".
Multi-player: Breaking the laws of speed
Stand on the RAT or the Tank without falling off while a friend is driving at full speed. On the RAT, you can be in the gunner seat; just get out and walk the deck of the car without falling (at top speed). Or, take the Tank and if a friend (or enemy) is driving, you can get on the back of the Tank's bumper. Make your way around to the front or the tank by skimming the side of it.
Multi-player: Invincibility
In any multi-player level, press Start. You can be shot at, but receive no damage. You cannot move, but it is better than dying.
Multi-player: Invincibility
In any multi-player level, press Start. You can be shot at, but receive no damage. You cannot move, but it is better than dying.
Multi-player: Level design
Only multi-player levels 1, 2, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 are original. The rest of them are copied from campaign levels from throughout the game. The only battlefield type that is missing is the Space Station.
One Small Step: Quick completion
There is a way to finish the level in about two minutes. Instead of actually fighting your way through the level, jump to the top of the ship that you rode into the station, and onto the "gutters" around the top of the docking bay. Go all the way around, collecting the secret chip on the way. Find one of the "peninsulas" on the ledge on the left side of the docking bay (the one you would have had to use a Loader to get to). You may have to deal with a Scientist on the way to the outside of the station, but you will definitely encounter a shielded Titan. Thus, have an EMP or a lot of ammunition ready. After that, just play through the rest of the level as usual. Do not worry about getting shot at; if you have more than three batteries, you are simply moving too fast to be hit enough to deplete them.
Original Concept FMV sequence
Successfully complete the game in campaign mode.
The gunner of a RAT cannot shoot at the driver of the same RAT.
Secret Chip in Hero Training
When you are asked to free the trapped miners, go into the hole you blasted. On your right side you'll find some energy. On the left side you'll find your first secret chip waiting for you.
Secret chips
There are a total of 143 secret chips in the game. There are 104 hidden chips to find, and 39 speed chips. Note: There are no speed chips for levels 1, 18, and 37.
Seen Better Days: Bypass Predator
You can pass through the room holding the Predator without actually destroying the Predator. However, destroying it activates a checkpoint. If you are going for a speed chip, run straight through and take a few potshots at the Predator if you are ahead of schedule. Otherwise, take the time to kill the Predator.
Space Station
On the Space Station levels, you will have nearly every type of Mil Bot (blue, red, green, black, and silvery blue) plus the Titans and the Troopers coming at you. The most destructive weapons against them all are the Barrage Cannon, Scatter Blaster, Spew, and the Rivet Gun. The Control Tether is pretty much useless, as you will not have time to hijack a Mil Bot. Show no mercy, but try to save ammunition; at the end of all the Space Station levels you will face General Corrosive.
Super speed as the flying trooper bot
In any multi-player level, destroy the trooper bot (the one that flies, hovers, and slashes). Wait for it to rebuild itself. As it is doing so, quickly select the Control Tether weapon and tether the bot. If done correctly, you will be super fast and unstoppable (but not invincible). You will move and shoot faster. Note: Sometimes you will see a glare/spirit of the bot move to where the bot will rebuild itself.
Surviving trooper onslaught
When you get to the level where all the troopers (blue/multicolored Mils with the wings) just keep coming at you, keep lobbing EMP grenades at them until they get trapped. Then, hijack one of them to get into the center building. Press the hand button on the wall. Then, exit the trooper (Scatter Blasters work best against them). Get into the tank after getting the energy cells. Then, just run straight through the barred/fenced area and just keep going to complete the mission.
They Live: Zombie bot allies
Reach the part of the They Live level where two zombie bots are trapped in two cages. Free them by cutting the red wires that are holding the cages and they will become your allies.
Unusable Control Tether
If you are in a Control Tether-able bot in a multi-player game, and you quit the game, your character will reassemble itself and explode, leaving behind a Control Tether. The Tether will not be able to be picked up, as every player starts the level with one.
Voodoo for robots
Go to multi-player mode and use at least two players. Put two Carriers (the hovercraft) back to back. Get in between both of them and get in one. You will get stuck, and the game will show you in one carrier, but you will really be in both on them. The other person can shoot either the carrier or you, and you will get hurt. This is like a Voodoo spell. If you go in a robot and the other person shoots the vehicle for awhile, when you get out of the robot you will have no health but be invincible. While invincible, avoid health, committing suicide, or getting run over, as the effect will be canceled.
Wastleland Chase: Cannot complete level
There is a glitch at the end of the level. If you make Vlax jump out of the yellow RAT while your red RAT is still in contact with his, the yellow RAT will detonate entirely, taking Vlax with it. However, he will not drop the chip you need, and will not allow you to finish the level.
What Research?: Killing the Titan
You can use the turret of the RAT at the back of the garage to kill off the Titan guarding the Det-Pack. Make sure you check any Robot Control Consoles you find after the first robot you control is finished off. In the case of Titans, Elites, and the Predator in the I, Predator level, you will only get one Mil to control. However, usually in the case of Mil Grunts, the Mil will respawn, allowing you an infinite supply of controllable bots.
You Know The Drill: Stacking crates
It is possible to do some very strange things with crates using the Loader. Since crates do not slide around, you can stack them up on top of each other on a slant, and they will not fall over. There has once been a bridge made of crates to connect the lower and upper floors, though it took a little less than half an hour.