FIFA Street 2 (GameCube)

All rewards

Go to "Game Modes" and select "Rule The Street". Create your player and win All International. You will receive 150000 BH and unlock all the rewards (venues, tops, bottoms, shoes, and players).

All venues

Hold down L + Y and press Left, Up, Up, Right, Down, Down, Right, Down at the Main Menu.

Easy goals

Go to the wings to score easy goals. Go to game modes friendship. Choose out or home and teams, then do start with home or away plus 5.

Easy wins

Go to the "Game Modes" screen, then choose your team. Go to "Head Start" and set it as desired. For example, if you want to win by five goals then choose "Head Start 4+" so that you will only have to score one goal to win.

Ultimate Signature Moves

The Following have Ultimate Signature moves:
Carlos Tevez, Apache, 1100 points each
Zlatan Imbramovic, Zlat Attack, 1100 points each
Paul Gascoine, G8, 1000 points each
Adriano, Emporer, 1000 points each
Ronaldo, O fenoture, 1000 points each
Cristiano Ronaldo, 1000 points each

Use these Charcters to get loads of points which will get you a huge amount of SB!

To use Signature Moves hold down R then press Y!

Thank You