Shantae (Gameboy Col)

Access Debug mode

Press left x2, right x8, left x6, right x2, left x7, right x6, left x8 on the title screen. You will get to the debug mode, you start with all powerups, items and transformations and can travel to any map.

Hold Select+AFree movement
Press select on the pause screenReturn to debug screen
Select M! with A button in debug screenSound test
Select M! with B button in debug screenMusic test

Debug Mode

Press Left, Left, Right, Right, Right, Right, Right, Right, Right, Right, Left, Left, Left, Left, Left, Left, Right, Right, Left, Left, Left, Left, Left, Left, Left, Right, Right, Right, Right, Right, Right, Left, Left, Left, Left, Left, Left, Left, Left at the title screen, then select "Debug Game" at the screen that appears.

Get shop items for free, and get money back

There is a glitch in the game that will let you get shop items for free, and even receive money for buying items. You need to be able to afford the item first. As you enter a shop, use a Storm Puff (lightning cloud) item. Then run to the shopkeeper, and speak to him. While in the middle of the conversation, you will be hit by the lightning bolt attack, and will gain control of the player, which is not normally possible. Select the item you want to buy using UP/DOWN and B (pressing LEFT here leaves the shop). At the YES/NO prompt, move as far to the left as you can without leaving the area. Make sure the cursor is on NO, then hold LEFT (moves cursor to YES and moves player) and press B to confirm the purchase while the screen begins to fade out. During normal game behavior, you stand still at the shop while your gems tick down. But when you have control of the player, you can leave the shop before the gems tick down. Then when you enter a new place, the game gets confused and starts ADDING gems instead of subtracting them. So you can buy expensive items, and gain money.

Hold more than 999 gems in wallet

Normally when you try to collect more than 999 gems, the game will stop you from collecting more. However, if you play certain minigames (such as the race against Rottytops once you've gotten the Simmer Stone,) and earn past that limit, the counter will begin to display odd characters instead. Using this method it's possible to collect over 999 gems, and the game will keep track of the number. To get the counter to return to normal, simply spend gems until you have 999 or less gems left available.

Play as Tinkerbat

To begin, this game must be played on a Game Boy Advance instead of a Game Boy Color. When you start up the game, the title screen will say "GBA Enhanced!" in the bottom-left corner if the game recognizes the system properly. This changes the palette for the game slightly, and also an NPC in Bandit Town will now offer to tell you a secret for 500 gems. If you enter the "Advanced Genies!" building and pay up, you'll unlock a new dance, which can be performed by pressing Down, Up, Up. The dance allows you to play as a Tinkerbat. In addition to a sabre attack with a decent range, the Tinkerbat can run, jump, and climb walls like the monkey; charge foward like the elephant (by holding down and pressing B); and climb walls like the spider.

Use Tinkerbat Dance without needing a Game Boy Advance

Enter the debug mode code and start a debug game, then press Down, Up, Up.