Amazing Penguin (Gameboy)


Level Password
1 678163
2 302945
3 152876
37 916328

Level Passwords (Japanese Version)

Enter the following codesat the password screen.

AD1990Go to Stage 05.
EB5408Go to Stage 09.
BF8163Go to Stage 13.
DA2945Go to Stage 17.
FC3876Go to Stage 21.
ED0492Go to Stage 25.
CA4217Go to Stage 29.
DF9721Go to Stage 33.
AE6328Go to Stage 37.

Room Passwords

678163Room 01.
302945Room 02.
152876Room 03.
981990Room 05.
235403Room 09.
678163Room 13.
302945Room 17.
153876Room 21.
840492Room 26.
054217Room 29.
689721Room 33.
916328Room 37.