Red vs. Blue: Season 1 (DVD Video)

Hidden features

Highlight the "Scene Selections" option at the main menu, then press Left, Up, Enter.

Allow the disc to idle at the main menu.

Select the "Bonus Features" option at the main menu, then allow the disc to idle at that screen.

Enter the P.S.A.'s menu. Highlight the "Bonus" option, then press Left, Up, Up, Enter.

Enter the Outtakes menu. Highlight the "Line Readings" option, then press Left, Left, Down, Up, Enter.

Enter "Scene Selections" menu. Advance to the last screen, then highlight the option for "6-11" and press Down, Enter.

Enter the P.S.A.'s menu. Highlight the "Bonus" option, then press Right, Left, Right, Enter.

Play the movie, then press Stop at any point. Press Stop again, then press Play To see a clip featuring Grif and Simmons arguing over Easter Eggs and contracts.