Zombie Offroad Safari (Android)


Various Achievements

Complete the following tasks to unlock the achievements.

AchievementHow to unlockPoints
Big JumpJump 50 meters!1000
Canyon CompletionistReach 100% completion progress on Canyon map.1000
Deadland CompletionistReach 100% completion progress on Deadland map.4000
First stepsReach Level 2!500
Frozen Lake CompletionistReach 100% completion progress on Frozen Lake map.1500
Getting the hang of itReach Level 10!1000
Harbor CompletionistReach 100% completion progress on Harbor map.500
Kill 10 Armored ZombiesKill 10 Armored Zombies!1500
Kill 10 BossesKill 10 Bosses!1000
Kill 10 ZombiesKill 10 zombies!500
Kill 100 Charger ZombiesKill 100 Charger Zombies!5000
Kill 100 Spitter ZombiesKill 100 Spitter Zombies!3000
Kill 100 ZombiesKill 100 Zombies!1000
Kill 1000 ZombiesKill 1000 Zombies!2500
Kill 20 Charger ZombiesKill 20 Charger Zombies!2000
Kill 25 Hidden ZombiesKill 25 Hidden Zombies!1500
Kill 25 Spitter ZombiesKill 25 Spitter Zombies!1500
Kill 5 Charger ZombiesKill 5 Charger Zombies!1000
Kill 50 Armored ZombiesKill 50 Armored Zombies!2500
Master of SafariReach Level 50!2000
Moon CompletionistReach 100% completion progress on Moon map.2500
Professional?Reach Level 20!1500
Small JumpJump 20 meters!500
Space JumpJump 80 meters!1500
Upgrade a Car to the MaxUpgrade a Car to Max level!500
Upgrade a Weapon to the MaxUpgrade a Weapon to Max Level!500
Valley CompletionistReach 100% completion progress on Valley map.2000
Wacky DrivingKill 100 Zombies while reversing!2000
Yeti SightingFind a Yeti! Well, its pretty rare so good luck!500