Achievement | How to unlock
Armless | Defeat Velagunder.
At last! | Unlock all mascots.
Cleria style! | Defeat Dalles.
Collector | Get all objects in the game.
Come get some! | Reach level 55.
Dance with me | Defeat Zava.
Eat your eggs | Defeat Druegar.
Get over here! | Defeat Darm.
Gimme some! | Feed an animal.
Got'em all! | Fill up all the notes.
Hurt me plenty! | Finish the game in Nightmare.
Kiss me | Defeat Gelaldy.
My precious! | Get Tyalmath treasure.
Nice view | Enjoy the pigeons view.
Now you see me! | Defeat Tyalmath.
Pyromaniac | Burn 30 different NPC.
Seducer | Seduce Reah.
Survivor | Finish the Time Attack Mode.
Sweeper | Clean out Gila's basement.
That's heavy | Get 99999 gold.
This is wrong! | Get Tarf measurements.
Wasn't there before | Watch one of the 4 additional scenes.
What the hell? | Beat 20 enemies while cursed.