Warriors Of Glory (Android)


Boss Attacks

All Bosses have an armor gauge. When their armor gauge is undamaged, Bosses will take lower damage. Use regular auto attacks versus in charge to harm their armor. When the armor is totally gone, in charge will take 30% more damage. You are now free to use all your abilities. Many Bosses will use really heavy attacks versus you. When a Boss is about to launch a heavy attack, red signs will appear. Retreat from the significant zone as quick as possible. Use your incredibly elusive ability to move around much faster if you get into problem.

Gold stars Levels and rewards

Each significant level has 3 gold stars that can be made by taking very little damage and finishing them as quick as possible. The more gold stars you make in each level, the much better the rewards that are provided. Tap the "Chest" button at the lower left of the chapter stage choice screen. You can open a tier 1, 2, or 3 chest depending upon the number of stars you have actually made at that point in the chapter.

Skills and upgrades

Always try to improve each equipment slot to obtain more stats increases for your character. Improvement is independent of your real equipment. That certain slot's improvement progress is kept if you alter equipment. After you improve all the slots to their optimum limitation, you can carry out a Break Equipment Limit to even further improve your equipment. You can find out new abilities and upgrade existing ones after reaching a high adequate level.