Virtual Families 2: Our Dream House (Android)

Free rooms

Instead of having to wait to get loads of money you can use this trick. When choosing a person look at their job discrition and try and see if you can find a carpenter. Then they can build rooms in their house for free.

Get Money Fast Without Risk

When you first get your little people (it probably will work better before you have children for the women because the women cannot work while carrying a baby.) anyways, you take your little person to the office, kitchen or workroom, depending on where they work. Then after their action is "Working on career," praise them three times. On the third time their action should be "Running away." Drag them back and repeat ten times. Now, even when you're not on, they will be almost always working. On my last generation I made 20 000 dollars in one day because she was a master (level 8) and her salary was over 300/hour + extra $10 every minute.

Honestly using this trick... I love this trick because I tried the trick where you skip ahead years, well it didn't work for me at all, I lost money because I didn't get anything from the trick, and they were all 10 years older and one of my triplets was gravley ill and it cost me $8000 to heal him, so that trick is just a bad idea.

Then I thought...if they worked a lot... Maybe they would level up faster to get more money. So I kept praising them and praising them, went off, two hours later one of my little people had gone from level one to level five and was now making over $200 as appears to $75 an hour.
I make a lot of freaking money doing this. All my rooms are renovated. I have 300k in my bank. As for the food thing, you can either make it fill up on its own by buying a 99 cent power up in the store that never let's your people starve, or you can buy it. If you have over 300k, you can easily buy your own! So try this trick. I've been doing it for 18 generations. There's no risk.

Get rid of pets

If your pets are always in the way or you have too many of them, you can make them temporarily hide. They will, however, come back when you tap their food bowl. What you do is tap on each one about 3-4 times really fast. Usually when you tap on them they change position but if you keep tapping they get annoyed, walk away really quick, and go hide in the bushes. Not sure how long they stay gone. My 2 cats went in the top left bushes and my dog in the top right bushes. When they disappeared I taped the bushes and they showed up again.

Get your kid better and faster

So you want to carry on the Virtual Family name, you want to have a baby, well if you just started a marriage this be easy. Start by dragging a person to a bed, wait till' you see action " Making bed" then when he or she is done, okay this is the part that's hard, quickly drag the other person to the one who made the bed. Make sure the couple is close to the made bed, otherwise they will be tired and you will have less chances of having a baby. If you had very recent birth this may not work.

Getting Marriage Proposals

When your starting a new generation, and you are waiting for marriage requests via email, here are some things to do to get more marriage proposals.

Clean up the house so that there are no dirt spots, wrappers, or socks.
Pick all the weeds, and gather all the collectibles.
Take a shower, then get off for 20-30 minutes. You should have your first proposal.
If you get a proposal, but reject the person for whatever reason, do the same things then have them work on their job then get off for about an hour.
If that proposal doesn't work out, then do the same thing and wait 2 hours, then 4, 6, etc.

Note: take advantage of first 2 proposals. They will most likely be your best bet.