Valerian: City Of Alpha (Android)

Google Play Achievements

AchievementHow to unlock
Alkala allyReach maximum Reputation with the Alkalas.
Arysum Kormn allyReach maximum Reputation with the Arysum Kormn.
Aspan allyReach maximum Reputation with the Aspans.
Azin Mö allyReach maximum Reputation with the Azin Mö.
Boulan-Bathor allyReach maximum Reputation with the Boulan-Bathors.
Chrysokar allyReach maximum Reputation with the Chrysokars.
City builderCreate a cluster of 6 habitats.
Galaxy ExplorerHire an epic agent.
Human allyReach maximum Reputation with the Humans.
Interplanetary AgencyRecruit one alien agent.
KCO2 allyReach maximum Reputation with the KCO2s.
Kortan Dahuk allyReach maximum Reputation with the Kortan Dahuks.
Legendary TeamRecruit a legendary agent.
Martapurai allyReach maximum Reputation with the Martapurai.
Mercury allyReach maximum Reputation with the Mercury.
Omelite allyReach maximum Reputation with the Omelites.
One small step for man...Move Alpha into Deep Space.
Palm Müret allyReach maximum Reputation with the Palm Mürets.
Poulong allyReach maximum Reputation with the Poulong.
Saloah-Tarh allyReach maximum Reputation with the Saloah-Tarhs.
Serenity NodeUnlock the Serenity Node district.
Set the sailsBuild your first ship.
The DocklandsUnlock the Docklands district.
Toïnul allyReach maximum Reputation with the Toïnuls.
Turret TownUnlock the Turret Town district.
Venus viewsUnlock the Venus Views district.