Tiny Archers (Android)


Various Achievements

Complete the following tasks to unlock the achievements.

AchievementHow to unlockPoints
Adams StoryComplete Adam's levels.1000
Anti-AirKill 100 Ravens.1000
Archer AprenticeShoot 250 normal arrows.1000
Archer MasterShoot 5000 normal arrows.4000
Archer WarriorShoot 1000 normal arrows.2500
Armor-piercerUse 50 armor-piercer arrows.2000
Arrow in the Knee100 legshots.2000
Ball-dozerKill 25 Fat Goblins!1000
BombermanUse 50 explosion arrows.2000
Broken ArmorsKill 100 elits.2000
Burn Burn BurnUse 50 fire arrows.2000
Defender of the SkullDestroy 50 flying Skulls.1000
DiggerUse the Spade 150 times!1000
Elecric BuggyUse 50 electric arrows.2000
Elite Sniper2000 headshots.3000
Exploding TowersGet blown up 15 times.500
Eye of the GodsUse 20 dwarf eye special support.1000
Falling shieldsKill 100 warriors.2000
Flying BottlesDestroy 50 molotovs.2000
Help from the CastleUse 20 ballista special support.1000
Hot Tar ScreamsUse 20 tar special support.1000
I hate the MageKill 20 Mages.5000
Ice against FireDestroy 20 fireballs.2000
IcemanUse 50 freezing arrows.1000
King of Tiny ArchersFinish every normal and hard levels with three stars.5000
Lightning HammerUse 20 lightning hammer spedial support.1000
Lilys StoryComplete Lily's levels.5000
Lord of the BonesKill 10 Skeleton Lords.2000
My armory is fullHave all the weapons in the game.5000
Narins StoryComplete Narin's levels.5000
OrcslayerKill 25 Orcs.2000
Red ArrowsKill 100 Archers.1000
Red Hat BummmKill 100 bombers.2000
RichmanSpend for 2500 gems.5000
Run in to the DeathKill 100 scouts.1000
Sand of TimeUse 20 slow-time special support.1000
Save the Grave!Finish all Ben missions!5000
Skelet-offKill 500 Skeletons of any type.2000
Smith is my FriendManufacture 1000 arrows from the Smith.1000
Sniper100 headshots.2000
Stop!25 legshots.1000
Sudden Death25 headshots.1000
Tiny GapKill 100 Phalanx.2500
TraderSpend 5000 gold at the Smith.2500
Vampire KillerKill 50 Vampires.1000
WaterGateUse Holy Water 50 times.1000
Where is my SpadeKill 30 Miners.1000
Wolf TrainerAsk for help from the Wolf 100 times!1000