Sky Dancer Premium (Android)

Various Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlockPoints
AirbenderScore 50.000 pts while on air.5000
Great RunnerScore 2000 pts.5000
JumperPerform 500 perfect jumps.5000
King of GoldCollect 50.000 coins in total.5000
Landing MasterPerform 500 perfect landings.5000
Legendary RunnerScore 20.000 pts.5000
NewbieScore 500 pts.5000
Outstanding RunnerScore 10.000 pts.5000
Pro RunnerScore 5000 pts.5000
Sky Dancer LoverPlayer Sky Dancer more than 48 hours.5000
Treasure HunterCollect 500 trophies in total.5000