School Days (Android)

Become Friends

Approaching another person and tap the "T" button to speak to them. This can help you end up being pals with them. Good friends will certainly concern your side in battles. Another way to make good friends is to defend somebody throughout a battle.


Attend class to improve your grades. You do not have to be present before class starts. Just show up before thirty minutes of the class has passed to avoid being considered tardy.


Tap the indicated button to perform the corresponding action.

A: Attack. Rapid taps will result in combos.
G: Grapple. This can set up a target for an offensive move or a hug. It also throws any held item.
R: Run.
P: Pick-up. Collects nearby items on the ground.
T: Talk/Interact. Tapping with no item in hand will have your character talk to nearby people. Tapping with an interactable item in hand will perform a related action.


Both students and teachers may behave strangely. If a fight breaks out, try to avoid it. You may accidentally damaging someone, which sends you to the principal's office, who almost always sides with the faculty. This will result in detention. If you have to fight, try finding an object to use as a weapon. When you are knocked down on the floor, rapidly move the "D-pad" and tap the "A" button to get up faster. If you take no actions, your character will remain vulnerable on the floor. When you are grappled, tap the "A" button to try to counter it.


Approaching someone else and tap the "T" button to talk to them. This can help you become friends with them. Friends will come to your side in fights. Another way to make friends is to defend someone during a fight.

Health meter

Your health decreases over time and drops further due to natural causes or fights. Your health can be restored by eating food at the cafeteria. You can also use food from stores, but it must be purchased.

Improve Grades

Attend class to improve your grades. You do not have to be present before class starts. Just show up before thirty minutes of the class has passed to avoid being considered tardy.

Sanity meter

Your sanity is represented by the small yellow meter below the health meter. Stat decreases, fights, and other negative events will reduce your sanity meter. Positive events, including stat increases, will fill the meter. If the sanity meter empties, you will lose control of your character.


Sleeping in your bed at home is the best way to restore refill both your health and sanity meters. Resting in a chair works also works, but not as well.