Achievement | How to unlock
Bookworm | Find a world of at least 10 letters.
Checkmate | Win 20 matches.
Close Call | Win by a margin of less than 50 points.
Da Bomb | Get over 1000 points in a round.
Fantastic Four | Play a round with only four-letter words.
Friendly | Challenge a Facebook friend.
Globetrotter | Win matches in three different languages.
Hooked | Play 20 matches.
Juggernaut | Win against the same opponent 10 times.
Lemon | Play 20 matches against lemons.
Noob | View the tutorial again.
Not Now | Receive a phone call while playing.
Sky's the Limit | Find over 60 words in a round.
Speedster | Find 30 words in the first 30 seconds.
The Dictionary | Find 1000 unique words.
The Ultimate Move | Find the best move on the board.
Tie | Play a draw.
Top Notch | Find a word that is worth more than 200 points.
Underdog | Win a match after two lost rounds.