Rope'n'Fly 3 - Dusk Till Dawn (Android)

Various Google Play Achievements

AchievementHow to unlock
1,000 Ropes (2,500 XP)Use 1,000 ropes in total.
100 Ropes (2,500 XP)Use 100 ropes in total.
100,000m in total (2,500 XP)Get 100,000m in total.
500 Ropes (2,500 XP)Use 500 ropes in total.
Airplane Pilot! (2,500 XP)Attach to a plane.
Bird Catcher! (2,500 XP)Scare a Bird.

Various Tips

Gain serious momentum by letting go at the peak of each rope swing, and tilt your device on the down swing, that way you'll travel long distances.

If you see more than a single building, try attaching to the furthest one so you'll get a better swing.