Riddle Quiz (Android)


Various Answers

Screens within the same level may appear in a different order.

1I can be caught but not thrown. I am a...Cold
2I can travel the world without leaving my corner. What am I?Stamp
3What can be measured but not seen?Time
4What is always coming but never really arrives?Tomorrow
5If you have me, you want to share me. But if you share me, you’ll lose me. What am I?Secret
6I am a three letter word. Add two more letters and you’ll have fewer. What word am I?Few
7What has a tongue but no mouth?Shoe
8I can run but not walk, have a mouth but can’t talk, and a bed but I do not sleep. What am I?River
9I weigh nothing, but you can see me, and if you put me in a bucket, I’ll make it lighter. I am a...Hole
10I can be told, I can be played. I can be cracked, and I can be made. What am I?Joke
11What kind of coat is best put on wet?Paint
12What animal jumps when it walks, and sits when it stands?Kangaroo
13What surrounds everyplace, is the beginning of the end, and the end of time and space?E
14I can be found in seconds, minutes and centuries, but not in days, years or decades. What am I?N
15The more of this you have the less you see. What is it?Darkness
16What has a head and tail but no limbs or body?Coin
17What grows when fed but dies when watered?Fire
18What is lighter than what it is made of?Ice
19What has many keys but unlocks no doors?Piano
20What looks back but cannot see?Reflection
21What is it that can have the whole taken from it and still be left with some?Wholesome
22What kind of nail can be grown?Fingernail
23What has a neck but no head and two arms but no hands?Shirt
24The more of these you take, the more you leave behind. What are they?Footsteps
25What is never thirsty but always drinking and alive but never breathing?Fish
26What is lighter than air but can never be lifted?Bubble
27If you drop me, I’ll crack, but if you smile, I’ll smile back. What am I?Mirror
28I do not speak, but there is no word I cannot make. What am I?Alphabet
29What has an end but no beginning, a home but no family, and a space without room?Keyboard
30What never asks questions but receives a lot of answers?Telephone
31What stays on the ground but never gets dirty?Shadow
32What surrounds the world yet exists in a thimbleSpace
33What happens four times in every week, twice every month and once in a year?E
34I’m tall in the morning and short in the noon. I disappear at night but I will be back soon. What am I?Shadow
35What breaks in the water but never on land?Wave
36What do you throw out to use and take in when you’re done?Anchor
37What kind of room has no doors or windows?Mushroom
38What can be broken without being touched?Promise
39What starts with and ends with ‘e’ but only has one letter in it?Envelope
40If you take off my skin, I will not cry, but you will. What am I?Onion
41What goes up and down without moving?Temperature
42What can be filled with empty hands?Gloves
43What gets served but never eaten?Tennis Ball
44I cannot be used until i have been broken. What am I?Egg
45What word is pronounced the same even after removing 4 of its 5 letters?Queue
46What cries without a voice, flutters without wings, and bites without a mouth?Wind
47What do the poor have that the rich need, and if you eat it, you will die?Nothing
48What is pronounced as one letter, written with three, and is the same forwards and backwards?Eye
49What can be seen but not touched?Shadow
50How can the letters OWONDER be rearranged to make one word?One word
51What falls but never breaks?Night
52What breaks without falling?Day
53I have four legs, one head, and a foot. What am I?Bed
54What has fingers and a thumb but no hand?Glove
55What can be any size or shape and gets bigger the more you take from it?Hole
56I have a face but no eyes and hands but no arms. What am I?Clock
57What does everyone have that goes up but never comes down?Age
58What makes my left hand my right?Mirror
59I am made of the stuff around me but lighter than it. I am more hidden than seen. What am I?Iceberg
60Where can you add 2 to 11 and get 1?Clock
61 Coffin
62 Nothing
63 Your word
64 Telephone
65 Moon
66 Umbrella
67 Cards
68 Sponge
69 Priest
70 Myself
71 Echo
72 Future
73 Rug
74 Sand
75 Rain
76 Candle
77 Umbrella
78 Short
79 Clock
80 Match
81 Twelve
82 Needle
83 Road
84 Pillow
85 Dozens
86 Stairs
87 Nine
88 Barber
89 Icicle
90 Halfway
91 Father
92 Arrow
93 Alphabet
94 Lead
95 Twelve
96 Bottle
97 Inkstand
98 MT. Everest
99 Key
100 Voice
101 Carpet
102 Lantern
103 Glass
104 Chair
105 Violin
106 Yardstick
107 Noon
108 Stars
109 Ball
110 Water
111 One
112 Soap
113 Shoe
114 Noise
115 Twelve
116 Ring
117 Shadow
118 Cabbage
119 Bat
120 Sieve
121 N
122 Shadows
123 Photograph
124 Glove
125 Nose
126 Saw
127 Snail
128 Chair
129 Silence
130 Moon
131 Doughnut
132 Ruler
133 Secret
134 Man
135 Snowflake
136 Horizon
137 Parents
138 Wind
139 Time
140 Fleas
141 Window
142 Rainbow
143 Penny
144 Your name
145 Two
146 Breath
147 Eye
148 Heart
149 Tree
150 Trust
151 Seed
152 Chicken
153 Sun
154 Light
155 Compass
156 Windmill
157 Egg
158 Candle
159 Breath
160 Friday
161 Icicle
162 Popcorn
163 Frog
164 Gold
165 Blue
166 Echo
167 Water
168 Prince
169 Money
170 Lawsuit
171 Bridge
172 Secret
173 Gravestone
174 Blood
175 Bill
176 Bell
177 Paper
178 Star
179 Wax
180 Gum
181 Library
182 Chalkboard
183 Mirror
184 Breath
185 Hearse
186 Map
187 Balloon
188 Lettuce
189 Instruments
190 Salt
191 Leaf
192 Oil
193 Coconut
194 Snake
195 Tongue
196 Book
197 Sleep
198 Eyes
199 Smoke
200 Beehive
201 Path
202 Mouse
203 Stage
204 Worm
205 Cherry
206 Birthday
207 Time
208 Key
209 Pencil
210 Bat
211 Hole
212 Eraser
213 Flame
214 Sunlight
215 Flashlight
216 Reflection
217 Clock
218 Volcano
219 Sand
220 Pearl
221 Snowmen
222 Turtle
223 Wheelbarrow
224 Sleep
225 Gas
226 Television
227 Watermelon
228 Shadow
229 Spider
230 Apple
231 Egg
232 Watch
233 Smoke
234 Water
235 Mind
236 Moon
237 Thunder
238 Needle
239 Hanger
240 Tree
241 Scissors
242 Bird
243 Chair
244 Any number
245 Twelve
246 Eyes
247 Hole
248 Palm
249 Fists
250 Air
251 Forgiveness
252 Hourglass
253 Bridge
254 Pun
255 Teabag
256 Key
257 Death
258 Ace
259 Train
260 Space
261 Night
262 Fingers
263 Evergreen
264 Four
265 Twenty
266 Needle
267 Light
268 Sun
269 Telephone
270 Bell
271 Feathers
272 Scarecrow
273 Gloves
274 Compass
275 Grass
276 Stonehenge
277 Shipwreck
278 Lighthouse
279 Highway
280 Aging
281 Periodic
282 Mailbox
283 Sloth
284 Daughter
285 Milk truck
286 Twelve
287 Phonebook
288 Dandelion
289 Turtle
290 Salt
291 Doll
292 Memories
293 Pinocchio
294 Hands
295 Cat
296 Code
297 Fate
298 Pearl
299 Wine
300 Library
301 Fan
302 Letter
303 Bicycle
304 Light bulb
305 Rice
306 Thorn
307 Helicopter
308 Bread
309 Rain
310 Lie
311 Strawberry
312 Currency
313 Orange
314 Rooster
315 Three
316 Cricket
317 Corn
318 Train
319 Fence
320 Guitar
321 Park
322 Flower
323 Lamp
324 Car
325 Wallet
326 Toothbrush
327 Music
328 Fire
329 Newspaper
330 Earth
331 Salad
332 Flag
333 Shovel
334 Shampoo
335 Trumpet
336 Sugar
337 Mushroom
338 Typewriter
339 Comet
340 Piano
341 Parachute
342 Cloud
343 Whale
344 Cheese
345 Dictionary
346 Kite
347 Napoleon
348 Lightning
349 Chalk
350 Man
351 Corn
352 Heart
353 Music
354 Teapot
355 Reflection
356 Fingernail
357 Electricity
358 Gravity
359 Sliver
360 Odometer
361 Smile
362 Space
363 Boat
364 Half
365 Bed
366 Nail
367 Sunlight
368 Voice
369 Andrew
370 T
371 Rope
372 Castle
373 Pi
374 Moth
375 Circle
376 Riddle
377 Nose
378 Pencil
379 Imagination
380 Cemetery
381 Worm
382 Ruler
383 Bow
384 Makeup
385 Coin
386 Teeth
387 Broom
388 Fingers
389 Tree
390 Asteroid
391 Calendar
392 Glasses
393 Train tracks
394 Sandal
395 Rain
396 Ton
397 Towel