Realm Grinder (Android)

Various Achievements

Complete the following tasks to unlock the achievements.

AchievementHow to unlockPoints
1 GemGain 1 Gem.1000
10 ArtifactsFind 10 Artifacts.2000
50 Faction CoinsCollect 50 Faction Coins in a single game.500
A Tapping StartTap hundred times in a single game.500
A Thousand CoinsGain thousand Coins in a single game.500
Archeology ExpeditionDiscover the secrets under the realm.2500
Assistant HordeHave 500 assistants in a single game.3000
AutocastUnlock the first Autocast upgrade.2000
Dragon TamerThe mightiest faction of them all.10000
Mana FountainProduce 10000 mana in a single game.2000
Oath of the MercenariesA faction combining the power of all others...5000
ReincarnationReincarnate once.5000
Spell ProdigyCast 500 spells in a single game.2000
Village GrinderBuild hundred buildings in a single game.1000