Achievement | How to unlock
Almost | Earn almost 100 million in winnings must be between 95 and 85.
Average | Win $ 50 million.
Beginnings | Start your first quiz!
Better and better | You have 25 good answers.
Can be only one! | Carry just one million more!
Captain | Play 100 times.
Cool! | You have 50 good answers.
Curious | Check out your statistics!
Desire for achiements | Go to the Achiements on Leaderboards page.
Excellent | You have 300 good answers.
Fifty | Play 50 times.
Fifty-fifty | Divide half your money!
Five | You have five good answers.
Frenetic | You have 200 good answers.
Half a hundred | You answer 50 questions.
Hundred | You answer 50 questions.
Infinitesimal | Win between 15 and 30 million.
Insatiable | Win 100 million dollar.
It will be good | Play 3 times!
Learner | You do the Tutorial.
Many a little | Win just 1 million dollar.
More and more | Play 25 times.
Name is a required | Set your name on the leaderboard.
No higher | Play 500 times.
Perfect | You have 1000 good answers.
Perfectionist | Carry further 100 million.
Phenomenal | You have 500 good answers.
Right track | Play 10 times.
Sadness | Lose a quiz!
Seventy-seven | Win 77 million dollar.
Started | You answer 10 questions.
Sustained | You answer 1000 questions.
Very curious | Go to the statistics page of the leaderboard.
Very good | You have 100 good answers.
You got it | Win between 65 and 70 million.