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Free Vanity Codes
There are two ways to get the Beach Antenna. And yes, it is a vanity. The first way is to talk to the Towne Crier and chose the option to go to Nexus. On the bottom right corner of the screen, it says Type Promo Code. Press that and type: onthebeach. Then you will receive your antenna. The second way is to just say /p onthebeach.Promo Codes
So you login into pocket legends and then when you're online you just go to chat and write:
/p onthebeach
/p underworld warrior
/p reciprocity
/p awareness
/p wingedhelm
Write any of those and you get vanity hats. Also, they have to be separate; for example, you could go to chat and write /p awareness, enter it, then type another.Various Tips
Try to make a diverse party simply because if you create a party of all melee characters or all magic-based characters, you will eventually run into huge problems with some types of enemies. It's the same as with all RPGs. Keep in mind that healing requires Action Points to use, so if your character's HP is low be sure to heal him before you decide to attack enemies. Again, as in all MMORPGs communication is key. Use the game's Message feature to let your party members know what you’re thinking, what you want them to do and/or to call their attention to potential problems.