Achievement | How to unlock | Points
Collect 1000 puntos | Collect 1000 puntos. | 5000
Collect 300 points | Collect 300 points. | 500
Collect 400 points | Collect 400 points. | 500
Collect 500 points | Collect 500 points. | 500
Collect 600 points | Collect 600 points. | 2000
Collect 700 puntos | Collect 700 puntos. | 2000
Collect 800 puntos | Collect 800 puntos. | 5000
Collect 900 puntos | Collect 900 puntos. | 5000
First player to guess the word (100 times) | First player to guess the word (100 times) | 5000
First player to guess the word (25 times) | First player to guess the word (25 times) | 2000
First player to guess the word (5 times) | First player to guess the word (5 times) | 500
Guess 10 words | Guess 10 words. | 500
Guess 100 words | Guess 100 words. | 5000
Guess 50 words | Guess 50 words. | 2000
Guess the word at the last second | Guess the word at the last second. | 2000
Hit 15 words in a single game | Hit 15 words in a single game. | 2000
Hit 20 3-letter words | Hit 20 3-letter words. | 2000
Hit 20 words of 10 or more letters | Hit 20 words of 10 or more letters. | 2000
Hit 5 words in a single game | Hit 5 words in a single game. | 2000
Maintain the first position for 10 turns | Maintain the first position for 10 turns. | 2000
Wins 100 times | Wins 100 times. | 5000
Wins 25 times | Wins 25 times. | 2000
Wins 5 times | Wins 5 times. | 500